DUI Schools - What You Need to Know


  • Author David L. Guffroy
  • Published August 5, 2012
  • Word count 521

After you have been stopped and arrested for DUI, you will be ordered to attend and participate in DUI school. The DUI laws of any state will require that you complete such a course so you can either prevent license suspension or get your license reinstated. Depending on the state you live in, you will have to complete specific requirements. These can include a psychological evaluation, risk reduction training and treatment recommendations, should you have an alcohol problem.

A psychological evaluation may be carried out by a licensed psychologist to determine what treatment services, if any, you may need. A typical psychological evaluation includes questionnaires, a review of your past convictions and spoken interviews with the psychologist. Your state may require you to participate in additional treatment if the evaluation indicates a need. The results can also be used in future hearings in the event you are again arrested for DUI.

Depending on the results of your psychological evaluation, you may be ordered to additional treatment programs. Your participation, or lack thereof, will be reported to the court. In some states, the recommendations made in a psychological evaluation can be made a part of court-ordered driver requirements.

DUI school includes risk reduction training. You will be required to participate in a predetermined number of classroom hours, depending on your state's DUI laws. This may run from 12 to 20 hours and includes the risks of substance abuse, including illegal drugs, alcohol and prescription drugs. The instructor's goal is to help you change negative behaviors related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

As a first-time offender, you are usually court-ordered to participate in a short-term program, which can usually be completed in the course of a weekend. For a class that lasts only one day, you participate in a program that runs for only a few hours. The course materials cover the physical effects of alcohol on your body and the laws in your state. You may hear from past DUI offenders or victims of DUI.

A more intensive course may be ordered if you committed a more severe DUI offense. Your participation in DUI school may last from one to several months. One requirement of a long-term class is complete abstinence from alcohol. You are also expected to be in every class on time. You will be expected to participate in random drug or alcohol testing and complete assigned homework. The program you attend may require you to bring a family member to at least one class.

When you attend a short-term class, you gain the knowledge you need to avoid a future DUI. Long-term classes allow you to meet representatives from Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous. You can also learn where chapter meetings take place. Expect to commit your time to a DUI school, whether it is for one session or several. Go to classes even when the timing is not convenient for you. Your attendance is verified by your probation officer.

Repeat offenders can expect to participate in a more intensive DUI school, with the focus on preparing you for clinical intervention due to a substance abuse problem.

David L. Guffroy is the founder of a Law information website delivering legal news, insight and law updates. Read more about DUI Attorney.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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