The Truth About Divorce And the Importance of Consulting in Divorce Advice.


  • Author Jane Draper
  • Published December 31, 2012
  • Word count 505

"The secret to a Happy Marriage remains a secret" This is a quote by Henry Youngman and it's something that a lot of married couples have experienced. No matter how hard they tried, their marriage just didn't seem to work out and they had no way to recover it before it was too late.

It is a common statistic that in today's world, half of all marriages end in divorce. Some people, whilst dispelling this statistic as a myth, have to accept that there is a growing trend of marriages ending up in an eventual breakdown.

The problem which exists amongst newly-wed couples is that on their wedding day, there is this super-optimism about their marriage. A person is unrealistic about what could happen in the future, and does not see any problems. By using this thinking error the person will not plan for problems, will not develop coping skills or will not develop interventions. Instead, they develop a happy-go-lucky outlook, thinking that their marriage will be problem free and easy going. Little do they know, serious problems are around the corner, and some of them could be relationship threatening. Every couple experiences issues and problems that are serious and concerning are going to arise for both individuals in the relationship.

We at Noble Solicitors believe that every individual needs to plan ahead for possible outcomes. Whilst we fully endorse the sanctity of marriage, we believe that all parties should be fully equipped with the appropriate advice and safeguards in the event of a marital breakdown. Not only does this provide you with a better outlook on marriage, it prepares you for what's ahead. You will be completely ready to handle possible marriage conflicts. There are a lot of things that men and women do not agree on and these issues are going to rise to the surface after marriage. Handling them appropriately and ensuring that the marriage stays alive should be your primary concern, but if you haven't been trained on how to do this, you won't be very effective at it.

The Noble Solicitors Family Team are available to help you personally in your family affairs to ensure that you receive the highest level of service and best possible advice. We are equipped to advise on Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements, Separation Agreements as well as Mediation. We are also able to assist and advise on Divorce, Children Matters and Matrimonial Finances. This is very important because if you do follow through with a divorce, you need someone by your side to make sure the process goes smoothly. Handling a divorce without divorce advice from a family law specialist would be close to impossible. You need help if you want to be happy with your divorce.

Why not book a consultation and have a chat to our friendly team who are able to put things in perspective, so that you are mentally prepared in the event things don't go to plan. To book an appointment nearest to you please visit our Contact page.

It's very important that you consider getting divorce advice from a family law specialist, like the ones here,

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