What to do if you are involved in an auto accident


  • Author Marcus Gross
  • Published August 9, 2015
  • Word count 790

STOP - DO NOT LEAVE THE SCENE: In Florida, if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of how minor, you are required to stop. The failure to do so could result in you being charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident. Furthermore, if a person leaves the scene of an accident which resulted in injuries, that person could be charged with a felony.

STAY CALM. TAKE A DEEP BREATH: Being involved in an automobile accident is understandably a stressful situation. However, taking a second to calm yourself could help you react more rationally to the emergency.

CHECK FOR INJURIES: Once out of harm’s way check yourself for any injuries that you may have sustained. If you are able, help check others for injuries. If a person has a neck or back injury, or is unconscious, it is advisable to not move the person until medical professionals arrive, unless there is a present danger that requires the person to be moved.

CALL AN AMBULANCE: If someone is injured and needs assistance, immediately call 911 for an ambulance. If the person’s condition is uncertain it is always best to error on the side of caution and call for emergency assistance.

MOVE YOUR VEHICLE OUT OF HARMS WAY: If your vehicle is operable and you are physically capable, pull your vehicle off the road or to another safe area nearby. Removing the vehicle from the roadway will help prevent you or your vehicle from being involved in a second accident due to the obstruction. Furthermore, it will help traffic move more smoothly, enabling EMS and Police to arrive sooner.

USE YOUR SAFETY EQUIPMENT: HAZARDS, CONES, OR FLARES: Immediately after the accident turn on your hazard lights. Furthermore, use any cones, road flares or other markings to warn approaching drivers of the accident ahead. This too can help prevent a subsequent accident.

CALL THE POLICE: Call the police if they have not been called already. The police should be called in all accidents regardless of the severity so that they may document the accident and write a report.

EXCHANGE INFORMATION: Get the names of all drivers involved in the accident. Obtain their contact information including their phone number and address. You should also get the name of the drivers’ insurance company, the insurance policy number, their drivers’ license number, and their registration.

OBTAIN WITNESSES INFORMATION: You should also obtain the names of any passengers who were involved in the accident and their contact information. Furthermore, you should get the names and contact information from anyone at the scene claiming to be a witness.

DOCUMENT THE SCENE: Take pictures! Many people expect that law enforcement officers will take pictures when they process the scene. However, this is often not the case. If you can take pictures of the scene do so. If you cannot, have a friend or family member take pictures.

This is the only opportunity you will have to document the scene of the accident. Be sure to photograph the surrounding area, the vehicles involved and any property damaged.

BE CAUTIOUS ABOUT TALKING TO OTHER ABOUT THE ACCIDENT: Remember, any statements you make can be an "admission" and used against you later. When speaking with law enforcement explain the facts as accurately as you can. Let them know if you do not know or do not remember something. Do not speculate.

REPORT ACCIDENT TO YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY: You are required to report an accident to your insurance company. It is best to do this as soon as possible. This means giving them the date and time of accident and parties and vehicles involved. Often times the insurance company will try to obtain a statement from you. It is not advisable to provide a statement to the insurance company until you have spoken with an attorney and advised of how your rights can be affected. We do not suggest speaking with any other insurance company without your attorney.

FOLLOW UP WITH MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS AND FOLLOW THEIR TREATMENT PLAN: If you are injured you need to seek medical attention ASAP. In Florida, if you don’t see a physician or other qualified medical professional within fourteen days your rights can be drastically affected. Remember to follow your doctors’ treatment plans to ensure your recovery goes well.

CALL AN ATTORNEY: Call a personal injury attorney as soon as possible! It cost nothing for you to speak with a personal injury lawyer. Our consultations are free. Furthermore, there is NO FEE UNLESS WE RECOVER MONEY FOR YOU. A qualified attorney can help protect your rights and preserve the evidence to assist in making sure that you are adequately compensated for your damages. For a free claim review call us today at (850) 361-2922.

Mr. Gross was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida. He received his bachelors degree from the University of Florida and his law degree from Florida State University College of Law.

If you are looking for a dedicated defense attorney to help you navigate through the legal system please consider Marcus "Rhett" Gross. He offers free consultations and may be reached at (850) 361-2922 or visit http://www.pensacolacriminaldefenseattorneys.com/.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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