What? I'm a Theatre Star?

Arts & Entertainment

  • Author Carolyn Molnar
  • Published May 30, 2016
  • Word count 652

In my mind, I calmly told spirit, If you want me to do this, fine. And if not, then I’m okay with it. Then they called my name, and I jumped up and screamed. I couldn’t believe I made it!! I was going to be part of the 2016 Toronto Fringe Theatre Festival.

That was the scene last November at the Tranzac Club in downtown Toronto. My husband and I had each submitted a proposal to stage a production at the Fringe, a two-week celebration of theatre, storytelling, dance, comedy and anything else that defies a quick description. Benjamin submitted his idea first – a staged reading of monologues based on interviews he’d done with people who worked in hospice. But, I hesitated… Ben’s a great writer with great stories to tell.

"Why don’t you submit a proposal?" he said one day over lunch. "You do spirit-inspired events all the time. It’s kind-of like theatre."

"Actually, my public message events are nothing like theatre," I said, unconvinced. "I work for spirit, connecting loved ones on the other side of life to audience members eager to hear from their departed—"

Wait a minute… Did I just say "audience"? Hmmmm…

"Then do something a little different," he coaxed. "Don’t just give messages. Tell people your life story – how you became a medium. Talk about some of the interesting clients you’ve helped. And tell everyone how to spot phony psychics that want to scam them."

"And give a few messages, too," I added. "Wait – I’m not even a theatre company!"

"So call yourself Psychic Medium Productions."

So I reluctantly applied for a spot, thinking I didn’t have a chance in you-know-where. The Fringe operates like a lottery – theatre groups submit their proposals, and on lottery day several dozen proposals are chosen. Last year, Benjamin had applied for a slot in last year’s Fringe festival, along with about 700 others who wanted to mount a production. Unfortunately, he wasn’t chosen.

Flash forward to November 2015. When we arrived at the Tranzac Club, everyone who had submitted a proposal for the next Fringe was given a number. Mine was 99. As I wrote my number on the chit that would go into the lottery basket, I held my chit for a few extra moments to give it good energy. Then I placed it into the basket, found a seat in the club and waited for fate to either smile on me or snicker behind my back.

As I looked around the room full of writers, performers and directors, I felt like a fish out of water. They were so out there, so extroverted. They oozed creative energy. And there I was, a quiet medium hiding in her left brain.

Until my number was called.

"Number 99" the announcer called.

That’s when I screamed. I couldn’t believe it! Out of 138 applications, 10 were picked to stage 90-minute productions, and my chit came up for the tenth spot.

"Carolyn Molnar," the announcer read from my application blank. "Psychic Medium Productions."

I went into a special room where those who’d been chosen had their pictures taken. The Communications and Outreach Manager greeted me and asked what my play was about. When I explained my idea, her eyes went wide and said, "No one has ever done this before." Oh God, I thought… What have I gotten myself into?!

Over the next six months, I have attended "how-to" workshops on staging my performance piece while I wrote my one-woman play, "What?! You’re A Medium?!". Come see me! Festival passes go on sale June 2, and individual tickets ($12), June 9, 2016.

I don’t have to be a psychic to predict that you’ll like it!!!

If you have any questions or comments on this subject or on any other spiritual matter, feel free to write me at mail@carolynmolnar.com. And please visit me again!

Carolyn Molnar is a Toronto based Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher. She has over 30 years’ experience. She provides readings and also teaches others how to tap into their intuitive abilities. Her book, It Is Time: Knowledge From The Other Side, has made a real impact in how people understand intuition. She has been featured on radio, television and in print. Carolyn believes intuition is accessible to everyone.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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