Six Reasons to Not Do Your Injury Claim on Your Own


  • Author Doug Day
  • Published May 7, 2017
  • Word count 938

Following a serious accident, there are many reasons people avoid seeking legal representation and assistance. As a personal injury firm, we get it. We know that often legal help can be intimidating, stressful, and complicated. However, while these are valid feelings after an accident, they may prevent you from making a good decision. We’d like to offer five reasons calling a personal injury attorney after your accident may be in your best interest, especially if you are considering trying to represent yourself.

  1. The Value of Your Case. First, if you are considering representing yourself or doing this whole process alone, you are likely not used to the system of negotiating and settling claims with the insurance companies. Negotiating is pretty much the name of the game following an accident. Because you are not accustomed to this process, you probably have no idea about the value of your case. Dealing with insurance claims can be a momentous challenge if you’ve never done it before. The insurance companies have handled thousands of incidents exactly like yours. This difference in experience alone can put you at a severe disadvantage. Our firm, similar to the insurance companies, have handled thousands of cases just like yours. Because of this experience, we know what your case is worth. When a person tries to go it alone, they have to trust that what the insurance company is telling them is fair. It may or may not be. Sadly, for insurance companies, it is in their best interest to pay as little as possible. Time and time again, I have seen people take lower settlements than what their case is worth, all the while, they think they are getting a good deal because the insurance company told them so. You don’t want to be in a situation where you are relying on someone who won’t necessarily do what is in your best interest.

  2. Your Unfamiliarity with Available Coverage. Many are unfamiliar with what their coverage after an accident. Because personal injury attorneys see different types of coverage every day, we know what options are available. For example, there might be something like household benefits, household services, diminished value, comparative fault, UIM, etc. You may be entitled to one of these weird types of coverage, but you just don’t know about it. For example, imagine you are driving with a friend, and you get in an accident. Your friend is not the owner of the vehicle. The vehicle’s insurance would pay for your injuries, and you would likely think that was that. However, the driver’s insurance could pay too. Another example would be if you were run off the road by someone and they sped off before you could take down their license plate number. In this case, you might be able to make a UIM claim. These types of benefits are available, and you are simply unfamiliar with them. You wouldn’t want to sell yourself short because you don’t have the proper information.

  3. Comfort in Negotiating. A personal injury attorney is typically very comfortable negotiating with medical providers, as well as health insurers. Normal people are not accustomed to this process. An attorney can negotiate a better deal and a smaller amount of money that needs to be repaid. A competent negotiator can put more money in the pocket of a client. Attempting to do this on your own might be troublesome, and you may not receive a higher settlement.

  4. The Length of a Settlement. Those who try to negotiate and handle their claims on their own usually face a slower, harder process. Unfortunately, in dealing with regular people, the insurance company doesn’t have any incentive to settle the claim speedily. Additionally, if the insurance company completes a quick settlement, it may signify that you received a bad deal. When an insurance company is fast with their settlements, this may indicate that they took advantage of you. A qualified personal injury lawyer knows how to avoid low settlements and can speed up the process. Don’t compromise time and value for your claim.

  5. Three and a Half Times More. Researchers have completed studies to see how beneficial it is to hire an attorney. This research showed that lawyers, on average, were able to get their clients three and a half times more than individuals on their own. Sadly, this demonstrates that insurance companies are not always as fair as they should be with individuals who try to settle claims on their own. If a personal injury attorney intervenes, they can utilize their skills and expertise to get a fair settlement. The choice of hiring an attorney could make a significant difference in the settlement amount.

  6. Lack of Bargaining Power. Often, when a person tries to do this process alone, they lack the necessary bargaining power to maximize their settlement. Unfortunately, this lack of bargaining power comes because there is no threat to the insurance company. They can use their leverage to push you out of a good deal. The insurance company will try to make you feel good about the offer they are giving you. Unfortunately, you don’t have much of a choice. The threat of litigation is not being waved over their heads; there is not much you can do.

Obviously, we hope you see the utility in hiring a lawyer. It will ultimately result in a better settlement and less stress. You will have the quiet confidence of knowing that you were able to receive a fair settlement. A personal injury attorney with a good reputation, who treats people right can help you.

Douglas Day has lived in Montana since 2001 when he and his family moved to Missoula to enter Law School at the University of Montana. After law school, his family moved to Lewistown to clerk for the 10th Judicial District Court for a year. Douglas then joined the Office of Public Defender as a Regional Deputy. He has served as the Regional Deputy for the past 11 years, managing attorneys and clients for 11 counties in Central Montana.

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