Know about the Laws concerning Job Discrimination


  • Author Jamesh Scherr
  • Published October 3, 2017
  • Word count 864

How to choose a job discrimination attorney in El Paso:

After having struggled with an employer or company over discrimination issues, you may feel quite frustrated and confused. Though you want to be able to hire the best discrimination attorney available, you are not sure how to find him or her.

  1. References:

Talk with friends, family and coworkers in El Paso. They may have had employment disputes in the past and may be able to recommend a good job attorney for you. You will most likely find yourself comfortable with these lawyers since they have been recommended by people whose opinion you value. It is also a good idea to contact your New York Bar Association. They may have a referral system you can use to find the attorney best suited for your specific case.

  1. Law Firm Websites:

After you get the names of a few job attorneys in El Paso, do your research. Visit their websites and take note of the cases they have handled and any other organizations they may belong to. It also may be important to call and ask them questions. This will give you a clearer idea of what you can expect when you meet with them and if their practice is compatible with your case.

  1. Know their experience:

When you meet with job discrimination attorneys in El Paso, ask about their experience and if they have any previous clients you may be able to call for a reference. Also, ask about the fees and additional costs they may charge should you choose to hire them.

On the job injury: work place Injury:

o Falls are a common occupational hazard for construction workers, resulting in broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and even death.

o Causes include defective equipment, unsafe work conditions and carelessness by the team head or the boss.

o Repetitive motion injuries result from performing the same movement over and over again for an extended period of time, resulting in bursitis, carpal tunnel, and tendonitis. These are the most commonly reported workplace injury.

o More than a million workers suffer back injuries, accounting for one out of every five manual materials handling work-related injuries or illnesses. Back injuries result from carrying, holding, lifting, lowering or placing loads.

o Slips and falls are not compensable under workers’ compensation unless a hazardous condition at the time caused the fall. These can cause broken bones and head injuries.

o Injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident are compensable if the employee was engaged in work-related business. However, employees are not compensated for injuries sustained commuting to and from work, except in special circumstances.

Job discrimination at work place in El Paso :

  1. Race, Color, or Natural Origin Discrimination

Fail or refuse to hire or discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, or origin.

Employers may also not publish notices or advertisements for employment indicating a preference or prohibition of a certain race or ethnicity.

  1. Relationship Discrimination

Employers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of an employee’s sex in the payment of wages. Employees of different sexes may not be denied equal compensation for performing substantially equal work in the same establishment. However, Relationship discrimination does not only apply to wages. Some other examples of Relationship discrimination include:

  1. Age Discrimination

Refusing to hire or discharge an employee;

Offering different compensation, terms, or conditions of employment; and Limiting, segregating, or classifying an employee in a way that would adversely affect their employment opportunities.

Employers and employment agencies may not fail or refuse to refer an individual for employment on the basis of age.

  1. Disability Discrimination

Denying an aid, benefit, or service that is provided to other employees;

Providing different aids, benefits, or services unless necessary;

Denying the opportunity to participate as a member for a planning or advisory board.

Rights you should know on your work place:

  1. When an individual is applying for a job or going to a job interview, there are certain types of questions that employers are not allowed to ask...It's unlawful for the employer to make inquiries about someone's health, about their disability, about their age, whether they're married and have children, those type of things are illegal for an employer to ask a potential employee.

  2. Failing to hire an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, religion, national origin, birthplace, age, disabilities, or marital status is considered discrimination and against laws.

  3. Employees who have experienced unfair discrimination may be entitled to back pay, compensation for pain and suffering, and restoration of employment position if they were fired or reassigned.

  4. Employers who are found guilty of workplace discrimination may also have to pay punitive damages for their illegal.

  5. A lot of times, courts look to whether or not employers have effective anti-discrimination policies in their workplace when they're deciding the reasonableness of punitive damages."

  6. If you have a disability or a handicap, you can't be harassed or discriminated against, also prevents you from being harassed or discriminated against if you're perceived to have a handicap or disability even when you don't.

On the job injury in El Paso should be consulted to an experienced Job discrimination attorneys in El Paso, on job accidents can happen in every work environment, including office buildings. If you are injured on-the-job, it is very important to consult with us as soon as possible after an accident.

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