Oregon Laws For Stalking And Restraining Orders


  • Author Michael Inoue
  • Published October 21, 2017
  • Word count 345

When someone in the family or an outsider abuses you or stalks you, what would you do? You need to get protection against that person otherwise it will lead to serious consequences. Be it a domestic issue or harassment the victim should seek a lawyer to restrain the harasser. Legal advice should be taken from lawyers before filing for a restraining order in the court. Some states issue temporary protective orders from police officers but permanent restraining orders are always issued by a court. The court proposes the safety of the individual to be the highest concern and the right to legal advice as important.

Restraining orders in Oregon are issued to a person if they are facing domestic violence from family or someone who has been in a relationship. The orders are intended to protect the victim from being violated in any form. Restraining orders for minors are also given if you have a parent or guardian with you. The forms are available at the courthouse or with Eugene lawyers from whom you can take them and file for restraining orders. In the event of domestic violence, the victim can file for a restraining order without filing for divorce or legal separation if needed.

Restraining orders are given only if you fulfill some criteria like you should be of legal age and the harasser should be related to you in some form like family or someone whom you have married or dated. The order will be issued if the abuse happened in the last 180 days of filing it.

Stalking someone is also a crime and the victim can demand protection from the stalker if they are repeatedly stalked and made uncomfortable by the stalker. Stalking orders Oregon are given in regard to the personal safety of the victim. The unwanted contact can occur outside the house, school, and office or at parks and public places.

If the stalker is waiting for you and makes threats or causes physical and mental harassment you can serve the stalking order to them for violating your personal space.

Our law attorneys have tried many stalking order cases in court and have argued stalking order case law before the Oregon Court of Appeals. Stalking orders Oregon require a specific knowledge of the relevant Oregon cases, particularly those cases involving protected speech. So if you suspect you are being stalked or harassed, feel free to contact us and you can also visit our website for more information.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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