What should I consider when I upgrade my home

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Don Milne
  • Published March 16, 2018
  • Word count 698

All homes aren’t created equal, but thanks to home automation systems, you can add exceptional value to your home in a way only a few people have discovered. From automated lighting controls to blinds and keyless locks, the options are exceptional and endless. Here are the top five ways to increase your home’s value with automation.

  1. Save on your power bill with blind and curtain automation

Glaring sun can cause irreversible damage to carpets, rugs, artwork and upholstered furniture, but it often occurs during midday when you’re at work and unaware. Conversely in winter, your power bill can seem astronomical when you activate the heater after the chill has infiltrated your open blinds throughout the day.

With curtain automation; sensors can detect the heat and level of brightness in a room and adjust your blinds accordingly to prevent energy loss and unnecessary expenditure on heating and cooling. On a chilly winter’s day, blinds can stay open during the warmest times of the day to allow the sun’s gentle warmth to penetrate the room. Clever sensors will then close the curtains when the temperature and brightness drops to prevent heat loss through your windows.

  1. Ambient light settings to keep you safe when you’re up in the night

Automated lighting settings can enhance your wellness by promoting much-needed sleep. If you’re going through a very busy period at work and struggling to sleep, set your lights to automatically dim to just 20% from 9pm to help you prepare for bed.

Lighting automation also works with movement sensors to turn on the lights when you get up in the night, or when you approach tricky home obstacles such as a staircase. Instead of blinding yourself by turning on full strength lights in the night, program your sensor-activated lights to turn on to only 20% brightness. You’ll be able to find your way to bathroom safely, without waking yourself with crude lighting.

  1. Heating and cooling automation

Creating the perfect temperature in your home in days gone by included fussing with dials while temperatures fluctuated between too hot and too cold, but not anymore. Now your smart phone can do the work thanks to integrated automation systems.

With a simple swipe on your smartphone, you can ensure your home is perfectly cool when you walk in the door after a busy day at the office. During winter, don’t waste time hunkered down under the covers until your home warms up, enjoy the inviting warmth of a cosy room thanks to a pre-set temperature you’ve activated before you’ve even left the office.

  1. Surround sound as your stream your favourite TV shows

TV watching has evolved rapidly in the past two years thanks to platforms like Netflix and Stan, and your home needs to keep up if you wish to increase its value. Automation companies can instal smart TVs such as Apple TV, making watching TV a seamless experience with unlimited options. When you sit down to relax on the couch, enjoy the audio treat of surround sound thanks to cleverly positioned speakers as you flick through your favourite streaming platform, saved videos or online selections.

  1. Security doors and quality keyless locks

Security of your home is paramount, yet it’s an element of automation many people don’t realise adds significant value to your home, plus makes your life easier.

As you make your way home, sensors can detect your smart phone once it’s in range and automatically unlock your front door, no key required. If you drive to work, sensors can be programmed to open your garage for you too.

Clever sensors transform your home

Home automation relies on the installation of sensors, and integration with your smart phone. As you approach your front door, imagine hearing the lock click and the lights gently turn on as the heater cranks into gear, all thanks to your smart phone.

Most impressive is the sophistication of these systems, as the sensors can recognise different people in your family, creating a customised experience as soon as you walk in the door. Upgrade your home with ingenious home automation systems and add huge value to your home.

Article provided by Integrated Technologies Australia


Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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