What to Do If You’re Hit by An Uninsured Driver


  • Author Rachel Erin
  • Published July 10, 2018
  • Word count 424

Any road accident can be bad enough, but it can be made 10x more stressful if the person at fault is uninsured or their car is not registered.

It can leave you wondering, ‘can I still claim?’. The answer to that question is yes, you are still able to make a claim.

Like any accident, there are certain steps to take to ensure things go as smoothly and stress-free as possible.

Get their details

As with any accident, it’s important that you exchange details such as name, address, registration number. It's especially important that you get these details if the person that cause the accident is uninsured.

You’ll need these details to report the incident to your insurance, they will need a record of the other vehicle(s) involved.

If you are unable to get the other drivers details, it is advised that you report the incident to the police, providing them with whatever information you can.

This will mean that the insurance company also have a record that the incident happened and can fall back on the police report should they need to.

Take Photos

If possible, it’s also best to take pictures of any damage to all vehicles involved, that way you’ll have photographic evidence should this be required later.

Photographs are also a good way to get the registration details of any other cars involved.

Seek Medical Attention

After an accident, your safety is of the utmost importance.

It is always wise to get any injuries checked out by a doctor, even if you think there is nothing wrong as some injuries like whiplash may appear after a couple of days.

Get A Lawyer

After an accident, it’s always best to receive legal advice so you can see what your rights are.

Depending on the severity of the accident, you may have suffered an injury or be required to take time off work to recover.

The insurance that you pay covers you for times like these, so you are more than entitled to make a compensation claim.

Should you decide to proceed with a claim, compensation you could receive includes:

• Lost Earning

• Future loss of earning

• Care and support given

• General pain and suffering

In Conclusion

Being hit by an uninsured driver can bring extra unnecessary stress after being involved in a road traffic accident.

Knowing what to do should the unfortunate happen can help eliminate that stress and means that should you claim, you have all the details that may be required by your lawyer.

Written by Rachel Erin, Media manager at Australian Accident Helpline They are a national personal injury compensation company based in Perth, Western Australia.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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