What is the cheapest business to start?


  • Author Shames Patel
  • Published November 3, 2019
  • Word count 409

I was having coffee with a friend the other day and at the cafe we talked to a gentleman who started telling us about his food truck. He was talking about how they originally took out a $ 50,000 loan to start the business and how he spent 16 hours a day in business. I was supportive and respectful, but not as I seem to handle my business. 16 hours a day at first, maybe 1 hour a day after launch.

The brick and mortar business are fading. Brick and mortar businesses are also expensive ($ 50,000 for a food truck with no guarantee of success !!) If you want to grow, you need to leverage your network and Internet reach.

I will give you some business ideas that cost less than $ 200 to get started. Most are created to create content and create an audience. Content creation is a great way to start a business. Essentially create an audience and then monetize. I will also list some others.

Blog (less than $ 50 for domain name and 12 months hosting fees)

Start writing unique content in a specific niche and you will create an audience. Over time, you can add ads, affiliate links, products, training courses, etc. to your blog. Since you already have an audience, they will be open for purchase.

Social media sites: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook (free)

Why not use a platform that already has millions of users? You can create an account on any of these platforms and start building a business that way.

I watch a lot of YouTube videos and its crazy how people can make a living creating videos.

A disadvantage of these platforms is that if they change your payment algorithm or structure, you could lose views, ad revenue, etc.

Consulting or training (free, but will take time to build a book and customer reputation)

Do you specialize in a particular field? You can hire and consult clients for a solid hourly wage. It's a fun job, and if you can communicate well, it would be a solid role for you.

Digital product creation (think free eBook or guide)

Create an eBook in an area that you are passionate about and sell it for a few dollars. The only time you spend is anticipated; After that, it is a passive income.

Today is a great strategy to take advantage of the wide reach of the Internet. There is so much money in the world now ... we just need to go get it.

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