M&A Documents


  • Author Lisa Thorsen
  • Published February 12, 2020
  • Word count 111

M&A transactions involve multiple documents. M&A attorneys help negotiate the terms. These documents include:

-Letters of Intent

-Purchase Agreements

-Promissory Notes

-Escrow Agreements


-Intellectual Property Transfers

-Disclosure Schedules

An M&A attorney is usually not involved in matching buyers with sellers, setting the purchase price and post-closing integration. For matching buyers with sellers you would typically engage either a business broker, investment banker or M&A advisor.

An accountant, CPA or other tax advisor should help determine the purchase price and advise on tax structure. This person should be familiar with M&A transactions. If you need any of the foregoing advisors, our referral service can assist you.

Lisa Thorsen is a business transactional attorney who runs Business Lawyer Austin and San Diego Business Lawyer: https://blaustin.com/ and https://sdblawyer.com/

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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