Popular celebrities who quit smoking weed

Health & Fitness

  • Author William Mason
  • Published April 8, 2022
  • Word count 529

When it comes to celebrities that have stopped smoking weed, you don’t always hear the media talk about them. It’s much more interesting to hear about those that are smoking, rather than those that quit, right? Well that’s what most media outlets seem to think about, which is why the following break down is all about celebrities that decided to throw in the towel on smoking weed. That’s right, they’ve all but given up on it, including some that you may not know smoked and no longer smoke today.

Kid Cudi

In a surprise turn, Kid Cudi, the famed rapper decided it was time to stop smoking and drinking. The long time user, said that the combination was leading him to become more and more depressed on the road, so he decided to drop it all and just go forward with a new path.

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg is one of the most famous of smokers, and yet most people don’t even realize it. But here’s the thing, he decided to quit, after his daughters were asking about why he smelled so much. Because of this, he decided to stop smoking altogether, and even went on record with Variety to state that he’s done.

Brad Pitt

Even though he may have split with Angelina Jolie, the man has finally found himself in a new place. He was turning into a dope fiend, which were his words. He decided to drop out of the stoner world, and has stopped smoking weed, which is one of the reasons why Jolie decided to end the relationship with him. He claimed he was smoking too much and it was time for a change after the divorce hit him very hard.

Paul McCartney

This is an odd one, right? The former Beatle decided that it was time to quit when he saw his grandchildren arrive. He wanted to show that you can quit, and while he was always smoking through the 1960s and 1970s, it was as of late that he has talked about quitting and going sober for the sake of children.

Travis Barker

The drummer for Blink 182 went through some serious issues through his life, and in 2012 it was found out that he may have cancer. He was so scared, that he gave up smoking altogether. That included smoking weed, and going on a sober living path moving forward. He has openly talked about how the cancer scare changed his life.

Natalie Portman

The famous actor made light of the fact that she was a big weed smoker, and truth be told, she was. But after some time she claims she grew out of the thing, and decided to start growing up. So she quit the smoking, and is now all mature, and quite the celebrity as well.

Snoop Dogg

Ok, this is an interesting one, but it’s still true. Snoop Dogg quit smoking weed for a good deal of time, and went sober. He then found Rastafrianism and began again, but only through religious ceremony. But before that, he quit and just was “vibing” without drinking or smoking. It was big news.

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