10 effective home remedies to remove skin tags

Health & Fitness

  • Author William Mason
  • Published April 9, 2022
  • Word count 515

Skin tags are non-cancerous growths that appear on the skin of millions of people. This happens due to a variety of reasons, but in the end, it’s not something that should cause panic. It’s something that is easy to work with, doesn’t hurt, and won’t transfer sexually or by touch. Wherever there’s friction on the skin, there can be a small growth that comes up, which is known as a skin tag. If you have these, you may want to look into the following 10 effective home remedies to remove skin tags.

Tea Tree Oil

The first option is a simple one, tea tree oil application. Get this essential oil and then place it on the tags 3 times a day. That’s it. Within a few days the tag will fall away with ease.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Much like tea tree oil, this is an option that can help you with reducing the tags themselves. You’ll want to apply this to the tag 3 times a day, and within a few days to a week the tag will fall off.

Acne Medication

Over the counter acne medication can help with drying out the core of a tag. Applying it directly to the tag is one way to ensure that you are able to get the upper hand against tags.

Hemorrhoid Cream

The next option that you’ll want to pursue is simple, hemorrhoid cream. This is something that has medicative elements that will penetrate the core of the tag, helping it remove with ease.

Clear Nail Polish

You can apply clear nail polish to the tag, let it dry, then remove it with nail polish remover after 24 hours. This will help clear the issue and could very well allow you to remove tags without incident.

Cut The Tag

Some individuals will be able to cut skin tags off. You will need to get a piece of dental floss and tie the tag, cutting off the blood supply. Once you do that, you will want to use a sterile element to cut the tag.

Wart Remover

Another path to getting clear skin is to use a wart remover. This is a solution that can help with freezing the element and removing it outright. Wart remover options abound in pharmacies, and are easy to work with.


Using an astringent can help with removing skin tags over time. This is a solution that requires you to topically apply the astringent to the tags and watch them fall away in time.

Tooth Paste

You have to use paste, not gel. This will help penetrate the tag in time, and will release the core and fall away naturally. This is not a difficult option, but could take time.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The last option that you’re going to want to try is another simple home remedy. This is an option that you will want to consider applying daily, 3 times daily as a matter of fact. Apply this to the skin tag daily, and within a short span of time the tag will fall away naturally.

To learn more on how to get rid of skin tags and to buy the best OTC cure to get rid of it please visit https://www.overcomeskintags.com and to download my recommendation visit https://www.overcomeskintags.com/review-of-h-skin-tags-formula/

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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