Are You Falling Into These Common Traps as an Aspiring Writer?

Arts & EntertainmentBooks & Music

  • Author Brian Gill
  • Published April 2, 2023
  • Word count 1,023

Popular culture usually exalts writing as a beautiful art form. A writer is typically pictured as a lone genius working alone in a cozy office while sipping tea. But, the reality of writing is sometimes far less glamorous. Aspiring authors must stay away from a variety of traps and pitfalls in order to reach their full potential. The most frequent mistakes made by debut authors will be examined in this article along with suggestions on how to avoid them.

Writing for no one else but oneself only

One of the biggest pitfalls for prospective writers is to write only for themselves. Writing is sometimes viewed as a solitary activity, and it's simple to slip into the misconception that your writing is only read by you. This is a risky trap to get yourself in since it restricts your writing ability. Writing is meant to be shared, thus sharing your work with others is the only way to improve as a writer.

Sacrificing creativity and using commercially viable plots

Another pitfall that wannabe authors frequently commit is giving up their originality and turning to marketable plots. Instead of writing about what you are passionate about, it can be tempting to write what you believe would sell. This strategy, nevertheless, frequently produces uninspired, formulaic content that falls flat in a competitive market. It's crucial to keep in mind that genuine originality is what makes great writing stand out and that the best writing comes from the heart.

Not concentrating enough on the story

Lack of attention to the plot is another one of the biggest blunders that wannabe writers make. Characters, plots, and themes need to be created as you write. Rushing the writing process often results in writing that is undeveloped and superficial. In order for your story to evolve naturally, you must give it ample breathing room.

That feedback isn't needed

Another trap that aspiring writers often fall into is thinking that feedback isn't needed. Writing is a personal pursuit, and it can be hard to accept criticism from others. However, feedback is essential for growth as a writer. It is important to seek out constructive criticism from others and to use it to improve your writing.

Inadequate reading and research

Not reading and researching enough is a pitfall that prospective writers frequently fall into. You must do the required actions and carry out in-depth study in your chosen genre to make sure your writing is accurate and authentic. Reading widely is equally crucial if you want to extend your perspective and absorb writing techniques from different authors.

So we can see that the potential of aspiring writers may be prevented by a range of risks and pitfalls. Being aware of the problems highlighted in this article plus focusing on honing your writing skills, you can be quickly on your way to become the writer you've always pictured yourself as being. Remember that writing is a skill that constantly requires honing. Keep in mind to write honestly and to solicit feedback when you do.

A lot of obstacles and failures are likely to arise for highly ambitious writers along the route, which could stifle their development. Yet, if people steer clear of the issues discussed in this article and prioritize honing their writing abilities, they can ultimately realize their full writing potential. Continue to be dedicated to writing truthfully, improve your writing abilities, and aggressively seek out comments. Remember that you can become the writer you've always wanted to be if you concentrate on these tactics.


A significant barrier that might keep ambitious writers from realizing their full potential is procrastination. It can be simple to put off writing until later in the day or until inspiration strikes, but doing so can quickly become a poor habit that impedes development. Establishing and maintaining a writing schedule is essential to beating procrastination. Have a daily or weekly writing goal and give it top priority over other pursuits that can divert you.

Lack of Planning

Another mistake that many debut authors make is diving into writing without proper planning. The desire to start writing before knowing where the story is going may be great, but this approach is prone to producing writer's block and dissatisfaction. Give your story some thought before you start writing. Make a thorough plan, flesh out your characters, and determine the main storyline points. This will greatly speed up the writing process and keep you from getting stuck in the middle.

Insufficient Revision

Skipping a thorough editing is one of the most common errors committed by new writers. Even if the need to get one's work out there as soon as possible is reasonable, it can lead to subpar writing that doesn't keep readers interested. It's critical to proofread your writing carefully, get other people's opinions, and make any necessary edits. Rewriting is an important step in the writing process that frequently separates a mediocre essay from a spectacular one. Remember, in this age of digitizing books your work can be read in many different countries. The only problem with this is English speaking countries have different "English" from each other. American and British English have many differences. So, writing for an American market may get unexpected bad reviews from your British markets and visa versa.

Reading other genre is important

If you want to write well, you must read widely. It's terrible that some aspiring writers disregard this essential component and restrict their reading to a certain genre. Together with writing skills, reading widely helps you develop your own unique writing voice and style. It's important to experiment with different writing genres and techniques, evaluate what works for you and what doesn't, and keep track of your development. You can write more effectively going forward thanks to this.

In conclusion

Writing professionally is a difficult and complex process that needs focus, organization, and commitment. Debut authors can achieve their full potential and create work that is engrossing, interesting, and memorable by avoiding these frequent errors and cultivating effective writing habits. So put that cup of tea down, create a schedule, and go writing. Your readers are eager to read!

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