Why is Cloning a WordPress Blog a Real Time Saver?

Computers & TechnologyBlogging / Forums

  • Author Mickey Lieberman
  • Published April 9, 2023
  • Word count 957

What does cloning a WordPress blog mean and why would you want to do such a thing?

To Clone or Cloning is the process of creating an exact duplicate from something.

The act of cloning means copying not only the look or even the actual material but also the whole practical web infrastructure of the blog.

Quite simply, cloning re-creates an entirely existing blog, as well as enables you to place it at a different location on the web.

You could be moving a blog from one hosting company to another. You could simply be creating a new blog from an existing blog.

When you create a new blog, you might spend hours, days, or even weeks getting it set up exactly how you want it.

This would include picking out a theme, creating widgets, adding plugins and configuring them, and adding videos and products that you want to promote.

After you have cloned your blog, you can with minimal time, restore the blog (clone) to a new location and then make whatever changes you want and this can all be accomplished in a short amount of time.

Once a web designer says that the WordPress blog has been successfully cloned, it means that the actual database, inclusive of themes, plugins, contents, and other relevant settings has been duplicated the same way as the existing blog either but in a different location or a new folder.

Cloning may appear useful for making an entire duplicate of one blog to another for data protection in case there's an unforeseen catastrophe that can destroy the existing WordPress blog.

A fully functional WordPress clone could be utilized quickly in cases of file or data destruction.

A clone is already set up, fully installed, and already in operation.

This can be a huge time-saver for you.

One negative effect of cloning a WordPress blog is content updating.

This means simply copying and pasting your content from the original blog to the cloned one.

Bear in mind that your cloned blog is as current as the last time you created a backup.

Yet another great thing about cloning is that the possibilities are endless.

You can create multitudes of the same blog having the same theme, plugins, and elements.

This is great for money-making blogs.

If you earn $10 from a blog, you can clone a hundred of them, to replicate and even multiply your earnings to thousands of dollars each month.

Include other elements, like images and standard pages you want on all your blogs.

Do this once, without any posts or topic-specific content, and save it as a clone.

You can use that template clone to install new WordPress blogs anytime you need, ready to fill with content.

This is accomplished without re-installing and re-configuring all the common components. This will save you a great deal of time, money, and effort.

Cloning a WordPress blog is a timesaver!

When someone talks to you about backing up or cloning a WordPress blog, you need to get creative.

Think about how you can use it to save time and make more money.

When you clone a WordPress blog, you are cloning not just the design, the theme, and the settings of that blog but all of the content as well.

It's very tedious to add content to WordPress.

If you have 100 articles (posts), you have to copy and paste every individual title and post content one at a time unless you have some type of Importer plugin or scheduler plugin.

But once that's all set up, once that is all loaded into WordPress with all the proper hyperlinks, with the settings, now you can put this on a new site.

What would happen if you wanted to put all of your content on a brand-new site?

Very simple, back up the site, and restore (clone) it somewhere else.

After the content has been restored, you can change the theme.

You can move the content around to different categories, set it up on a drip, and do whatever you want.

A great magic trick to use for this backup and cloning technology is to show local businesses how quickly you can get their website online.

Finally, you can set up brand new money-making sites by cloning a blog.

Think about a site where maybe you have 100 or 1,000 different pieces of content with affiliate links or AdSense ads and you said to someone, “I want to syndicate my articles onto your site.”

You back up your site, restore it somewhere else, and change their AdSense ID or their ClickBank ID to that new value.

Now they can use all the articles you've written to make money on their own.

Maybe you'll swap out some of the articles and yours or some combination of the two but you can use a site that's already making money and give someone a copy of it by just backing it up and restoring it somewhere else.

This gives you some new ideas about what kind of new niches you can use to clone with your blog.

You can revive ready-made content, you can set something up for local businesses which means you set it up, change the information or even set up a site or a plugin that already makes money and help someone else make money with it as well.

Once you get a blog set up with everything you want in it, you can easily back it up and then clone the blog into a new blog. You will not realize the time it will save by doing this. Because I have done this so many times, I can clone a blog in less than 15 minutes and I created a writeup of the steps to do this .

Mickey Lieberman is a full-time WordPress blogger and creator of WordPress blogs on legal and legitimate topics. My passion is writing about medical topics.

Currently, I have created 250+ blogs on various topics. There are more than 125 blogs on various Medical Topics and Cancer.

To get information about my blogs, Use this Link https://mickeylieberman.com

You can access a list of all of the blogs at https://mickeylieberman.com/Blogs Created.pdf

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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