History & Background information on Congressional Medal of Honor

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  • Author James Kara Murat
  • Published January 18, 2008
  • Word count 487

The Congressional Medal of Honor is one of the most revered awards given to valiant soldiers and pilots in war. This medal is provided to the US Navy SEALs for their brave acts during war with an enemy. The medal is conferred by the President of the US and is given in the name of the Congress thereby getting its name – Congressional Medal of Honor.

The symbolism

The Congressional Medal of Honor has a certain symbolism and meaning attached to the shape and the motifs inside it. For example the inverted 5 pointed star has a cluster of leaves of laurel along with oak on each point. These leaves signify victory, while the oak symbolizes strength. Both these attributes are absolutely essential in any officer going for a Navy SEALs mission. Outside the circular insignia are 34 stars which stand for the number of stars in the US flag. Within the circle are two engravings. On the right is Minerva the Roman Goddess of War. Perched on her helmet is an owl which again symbolizes wisdom. Moving away from Minerva is a man who is carrying a bunch of snakes in his hands. He is known as Discord.

An impressive past

It might be surprising but the Congressional Medal of Honor has a rich past spanning over 140 years. It was during 21st December in 1861 that the first 200 medals of honor were produced. Then a few months later in February 17th 1862, there was a bill passed to authorize the President of the US to distribute the medals. This bill was then signed by President Abraham Lincoln and it was then that the Army Medal of Honor was created. During 17th September more than 20 army soldiers of US performed heroic acts on a Navy SEALs operation which got recognized later. On 25th March 1863 six of the first Medals of Honor were presented by Edwin Stanton, the Secretary of War to 6 surviving members of Andrew’s Raiders. On 6th April in the year 1865 almost 56 soldiers won Medals of Honor in Deatonsville at Sailor’s Creek in VA. One of them was the brother of the famous General Custer – second Lt. Thomas Custer. The first Medals of Honor to be ever given on foreign soil was on 9th June in the year 1871. Three soldiers received these Medals of Honor for their bravery in Korea. Over the course of the next 2 days more than twelve Americans, comprising 6 marines and 9 sailors won these Medals of Honor.

Recent achievements

Among the more recent achievements in the last century on 20th July in the year 1950, General William F. Dean as well as George Dalton Libby were the first recipients to earn the Medals of Honor for their contribution in the Korean war. While Libby succumbed to his injuries during the war, Dean was taken hostage as prisoner. However no matter what the cause all Navy SEALs soldiers dream of receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor some day.

This Article is written by James Kara Murat from USNavySEALstore.com, the contributor of US Navy SEALs Information Portal. A longer version of this article is located at Congressional Medal of Honor, and related resources can be found at US Navy SEALs Store.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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Article comments

nadine Sigler
nadine Sigler · 15 years ago
my grandfather received a Cross og War medal from King Alexander in Yugoslavia in 1930 , but the document does not state the specifics of the award, other than his participation in the war from 1914 tp 1918. Have you any idea how I can investigate this honor?

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