Choosing The Right Home Based Internet Business

BusinessHome Business

  • Author Donovan Baldwin
  • Published July 28, 2006
  • Word count 1,427

Opportunities to start your own business used to divide themselves into two basic classes. The opportunity was either a home based business, or you set up a brick-and-mortar business. For years, there was a core of home business standbys such as Avon, Tupperware, Fuller Brush, and Mary Kay. In those days, the men had the jobs, and the women were looking for a way to make money part time. Gradually, as the work force expanded, other industries got the idea, and organizations such as Amsoil synthetic motor oils, began to make their appearances. Over time, and with the rise of Amway, the home based business gained in apparent legitimacy and people from all walks of life began to chase the dream of, if not being filthy rich, then at least being able to fire their boss and work on their schedule.

Unfortunately, con artists and businesses that should have not been unleashed on an unsuspecting public got wind of this and realized that, for many, the product or service provided was not as important as the chance to make money...lots of money!

Today, even well-meaning, well-governed companies with excellent products sometimes use the lure of "easy money" as their main enticement into their particular home based business. This IS the lure that will attract many, and, in that it is so easy and they fell for it themselves, many who sign up with these companies also use the promise of potential wealth as their main marketing tool in the muddy waters of recruiting. They are not completely to blame for this. Obviously, they would not lean so heavily upon the claim if it was not successful in luring those who believe that picking the "right" home business will make them rich...overnight!

With the advent of the internet, a whole new world, literally, of opportunities has come to light. All that was available before as a home business opportunity is now available as a home based internet business opportunity. While many old reliables have adapted and now have at least minimal online programs, the old scammers and borderline businesses have come with them. In fact, the internet now provides so many so-called, and real, business opportunities that finding an honest, genuine, reliable opportunity can seem daunting to the beginner.

Therefore, we are going to review a few points that someone hoping to start a home based internet business should consider.

  1. Know thyself. Despite the claims, home businesses, worked in your pajamas as I am at this moment, require work and dedication. It is Sunday morning, and I worked every day last week. Some days I only worked two hours, but I have committed every day last week to my home based internet business.

The upside is that I worked less than 40 hours, I worked at home, I started and stopped when I felt like it, and I occasionally chose to work on things just because that's what I felt like doing at the moment. Also, I have achieved a personal point in my online business activities that I can knock off for a few days without present business suffering. You will have to work to grow your business, especially at first, and if you are not willing to do the work...don't start.

  1. Know thyself part two. An important factor for success for many people is going to be how well they mesh with the business they have chosen. The more knowledge of and interest in that business that you have within your being, the more likely you are to succeed. My first truly successful home based internet business came to fruition when I selected a product that I truly believed in, a company that I had respect for, a service that I knew something about, and which fulfilled one of my own needs so completely that I had no problem enthusiastically singing its praises.

Notice that "love of money" was not found it that list. When I first became involved in network marketing, internet marketing, and multi-level marketing, I failed miserably. In every instance, I chose business opportunities based on the excitement of greed and with a get-rich-quick mentality rather than the excitement of being able to share a great opportunity and product with others who could use its benefits.

  1. Know the industry. This is an important point. Please understand, I do not mean to imply that you must be intimately knowledgeable in this area, but you cannot be totally ignorant either. It will be easier to assimilate knowledge if you already have at least SOME interest in, and awareness of, the company's area of action. If, for example, you decide to sell a health related product but are not the least bit aware of, or interested in, your own health or that of other people, you are going to have difficulty succeeding.

On the other hand, if you encounter a product that you don't know that much about, but it has worked well for you and it is obvious how the lives of others could be improved by the product or service, then you have a good start on the knowledge base you need. You will be able to promote THAT product with vigor because you know how it works, and you know that it DOES work.

  1. Know the company. Almost any reputable business which offers these types of business opportunities will charge a registration fee. These payments may range from a few dollars to several hundred. Due to the wide range of companies involved and the differences in their support packages, it is difficult to compare one to the other. Some of these entitle you to various levels of support, a professionally designed website, promotional materials, or differing levels of potential income. This is NOT an unrealistic demand when you consider the expenses involved in dealing with all the inquiries and demand for support a good company might expect to receive from what is generally a large group of tire-kickers.

No offense intended, but most people who ask for information will not sign up, and only a few of those who sign up will actually get down to business and do the WORK necessary to grow their new home based internet business.

As with anything that offers to take your money, YOU should take the time to find out if the company you are dealing with has a reputation for honesty and integrity. How long has it been in business? What kind of support and promotional materials can you expect to receive for your hard-earned money? Will you get a website? What does it look like? Will the website take orders for you? If I seem to be leaning heavily on the internet aspect, it is because a professionally designed website that does the selling and processes the orders can, by itself, be worth the money you pay the company to register for their services.

Just as an aside, even the best company-provided websites are often not very search engine friendly. Many new marketers take a look at their fantastic new site, submit the link to a few search engines and believe that's the end of their internet marketing program. Even the most fully search engine optimized site will not be successful without some actual internet marketing going on in the background. Learning this side of the business is part of the homework you will have to assign yourself and complete if you desire to be successful. This goes back to item #1 above. If you are not willing to do the work, the work that MUST be done, will NOT be done. You are the owner, but you are also the staff, and you must assign your staff reality based missions, and your staff must satisfy the boss (you) by diligent performance.

In the final analysis, we are all different, and there is no way that any one home based internet business opportunity will satisfy everyone. I know a man who became a millionaire with a multi-level marketing business. When I asked if he was interested in joining me in a telecom opportunity (which I had joined because I wanted to make money), he declined, saying that he just did not enjoy working with those sorts of businesses and had never made any money with them. Neither did I.

Look inside and be true to who you are. Join yourself to an honest, reputable company that you understand and whose products you respect, and then get out there and work, and you have a chance to build a successful home based internet business.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer and internet entrepreneur. He is a graduate of the University of West Florida, and a member of Mensa. He writes articles and website content for other webmasters and for his own websites. His favorite home based internet business opportunity can be found at

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