Leaders Know There’s Pleasure In The Challenge


  • Author Donald Yates
  • Published February 17, 2008
  • Word count 958

Set about to make a big difference

A great many people will never be challenged in making a big transformation like change jobs or move to a new location or even make a decision of any magnitude on their own. Society has placed them into a comfort zone and it’s not their fault they have become followers. They don’t mind because they take pleasure in letting someone else make the choices for them. They are, after all, not leaders, so they find a certain safety in allowing someone else to take the lead and trudge out ahead of the pack. The sad truth of it is, the world not only needs followers to do the tedious functions that would bore leaders but it demands it. That’s right, the world is in command and a leader - well he/she has no choice but to lead.

Creative people take strides

It’s different with creative people. They can't follow they have to step out ahead of the group and take control. Some would say they are control freaks and their creative process produces juices of the soul. These "juiced up" leaders strive for the challenge and excitement of the project. They are supercharged and become flushed as their heart begins to race at the mere prospect of taking on a super project that would make an average person cower in fear. They are the movers and shakers that are innovative in nature and unsettled in demeanor. They meet change head on and strive for the excitement of the hunt because they are at home with challenge. Jumping from airplanes and shooting rapids is their idea of stimulating play while they can be just at home on the golf course or the race track. Nothing gets past them because they are alert and ready for anything.

They fill the university halls and classrooms with their quizitive spirit and unchecked demeanor. The highest offices of the land are their turf and they command by reason. It is no wonder they are called the elite because they are the leaders of tomorrow. No one challenges them because challenge is fuel to their heart. Who would stand in their shadow and say, "is there more?"

One of the biggest test they face is making a big enough contribution to their fellow human being and the world. They spear-head fund drives, and adopt orphans in their thirst for making a difference in the world. They seek and anticipate God’s power and revel in the strength contained there. You will find them in the debts of the jungle and in the labs, mixing elixirs of healing. Money is not a factor in their quest for taming the unknown it’s only by the fulfilling of an inborn burning flame; will the restlessness in them be quenched. Many become very wealthy in the process but it is not their main reason for doing what they do.

To Motivate Fence Setters

How about you, what is your reason for living? How are you stimulated? Do you need to be motivated or are you the motivator? Are you setting on the fence now? Do you run in front of the crowd and challenge them to catch up? Do you face challenges head on or do look the other way then run and hide when challenged? Maybe you are a fence setter, you know, a person who is empty inside because he/she is always looking but never seems to find. A fence setter knows, deep down, there is something they are missing out on, but they find solace in looking, not finding. They are looking so hard for something significant they don’t see the simplicity in the insignificant and simply pass over the real treasures of life.

You must stop living in an illusional world, don't look for what's not there, feel it. It's a feeling in your gut that some call intuition, it touches your heart and motivates you into action. Sadly, through years of suppressing it, it is no longer recognized as important at all. It may take effort at first to get it moving, but like a train on a down hill track, once it starts moving no one can stop it. Living becomes a burning desire that nothing can quench. It is only when you make the jump, then and only then will you know your true self. Then you will know what you are made of and your true potential will boil to the surface and erupt into a force of undefeatable power.

To Acts Of Greatness

You must release any mental chains of desperation. Believe nothing can hold you back - and why should it? You were created by God, in His likeness and after His image. How great is that? It doesn't get any better. What then can possibly hold you back? If God is with you . . . what can be against you? It's you who are the villain, you are the deciding factor, not circumstance or happenstance or any other stance. You, make it happen. You are the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega the cause and effect. There is no other contributing factor in your success. God allows you to make the choice and will not stand in your way. As a leader you have everything you need, to succeed including inner convection and motivation. It’s a matter of correct mental response which in turn will control a course of action to be applied under various circumstances. If you do make a mistake, so what, you will be able to recover -- analyze the source of difficulty -- and with renewed determination, move on to new and more exciting endeavors.

Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit

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