Author's articles

Now Uncover The Mysteries Of Mental Law
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Life is a mystery And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in ...
Use Mental Power To Simplify Your Life
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Use Mental Power To Simplify Your Life The use of mind for creating personal gain is not a license or promise to get-rich-quick. When using mental magnetism there is no promise of getting something for ...
Money Can’t Buy A Fist Full Of Promises
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
The love of money is, as every one knows, the root of all evil. What if . . . what if, there were a way . . . an avenue that could free you from ...
In God’s Image - Developing Self-Esteem
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Powerful forces at work The concept of building a powerful self-image is a dynamic force and is vital in your quest for personal development and releasing for complete freedom. You must first gain an insight ...
The Eternal Laws Of Success
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
The Eternal Quest For Success Most articles on success deal with how to make a plan, the importance of commitment or making choices. Literally tens of thousands of articles, books, courses, seminars, retreats just to ...
The Journey to Wealth Is A Never Ending Story
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
How much are you worth? "Don’t confuse Wealth with the love of money. Wealth is freedom while the love of money is captive. Wealth frees the soul and love of money convicts the soul.’ The ...
How To Become Financially Independent
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
You’ll Never Get Anywhere Without A Plan As in any journey, planning defines the course of travel. With planning, a traveler is better prepared as he/she encounters intersections and Ys in the road. In order ...
Wealth And The Pursuit Of Happiness
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Wealth is a gift for everyone There are no mysterious secrets or magical incantations for gaining wealth. The very idea of using some form of witchcraft or voodoo is ludicrous. The fact is, acquiring wealth ...
Leaders Know There’s Pleasure In The Challenge
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Set about to make a big difference A great many people will never be challenged in making a big transformation like change jobs or move to a new location or even make a decision of ...
Using Leverage To Make Millions – Part Three.
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
We will start off in this lesson reiterating what we went over in previous lessons. ALWAYS PAY YOURSELF 10% FIRST! Then use that capital to leverage yourself to wealth. But Wait! We have to ask, ...
Definition And Use Of Tort Law
By Donald Yates · 16 years ago
Simply put torts are civil laws that recognize personal wrongs which answer to a charge of law as grounds for accountability or lawsuit. These are wrongs that have resulted in personal injury or harm and ...