Drug Offenses


  • Author Narindra Maity
  • Published July 10, 2008
  • Word count 750

Today drug offenses are very common in United States. Drugs are being marketed in US with or without the approval of FDA. Common drugs which are marketed are cocaine, marijuana, Oxycodone, Roxycodone, and MDMA. Of all these MDMA is most commonly used drug and is supposed to be very strong. Drugs are being widespread in US. Person intakes the drugs for pleasure.


Drug offenses like growing marijuana in personal house or land against the law, sale of cocaine, trafficking, sexual assault, robbery, theft of vehicle, murder e.t.c. are there in the society.


The drug offense is common in almost all the countries but it’s at par in US. If anybody is found victim of drugs he or she is charged with severe punishment. If a person is Drunkard and is driving his car he is put into the jail or is fined with a large amount of money. His driving license is also suspended at least for one month. But where is his personal life and his feelings? What is his fault if he drinks in the party? He doesn’t have the driver to drive his car. In such a condition he has none other option to drive himself.

Mostly the people are innocent. They come in the grip of the criminals due to their innocence. Criminals fully utilize it. They carry the business of import and export of these illegal commodities through these innocent people. They kept the packet of cocaine or smack in their cars or bags. The police caught them and send them to jail without any investigation. They get into this offence because of their innocence.

Let me give you one example. Once a girl arrive an airport the police arrested her because she was carrying illegal substance like cocaine in her bag. She was continuously admitting that she is innocent but police threw her into the jail.

The US government punishes according to the quantity of the Marijuana grew in a house. For example if the Marijuana found is less than 50 kg the victim will be given punishment about 5 years or fined $250,000. It’s not only that the punishment and fine will be doubled for the repeat offenders.. Penalties are according to the quantity and the no of offenses.

Cocaine trafficking and its possession results in a big punishment. But the business of cocaine is always carried by the procedure of seizing. It is often seized in pillows, in toys, in sofas and many other objects. Common people are unaware of it and become a victim.

A person should be aware of all the laws of drug offense. Otherwise he may risk his life.

He must remain careful all the time and should check his vehicle, bag or any other object which he is carrying. In addition to this he must know the names of popular lawyers who can save him in such a condition.


As from this reading we came to know that US is at the top in drug offense. Being a victim of drug offense is a very bad experience of one’s life. One must wish to come out of it. If you want to come out of it go and hire a lawyer .But always keep one point in mind the lawyer must be experienced and will be ready to be with you during your case, than only you can come out of it. Punishment to the drug offenders is severe in US. The offenders are expected to be sent to the prison and also to pay heavy fines. Authorities like FBI, DEA may investigate at any time.

If you are charged with any drug related crime you must not go into depression. You must know the following:

  1. About the law of drugs related crime.

  2. Punishment which you can receive.

  3. Also about the criminal defenses.

Just give no comments and call the criminal defense. There are some criminal defense companies who can save you from all these penalties. You can take help of these companies online also. They inform you all the time about your case. They fully concentrate your case. While investigation you must not speak to the authorities without your attorney because it will lead your case to the worst side. The winning of the case depends on the winning aptitude of the attorney. The lawyer must have full knowledge of the drug crimes.

The Abreu Law Firm is a full-service criminal defense firm. For more detail visit Miami Law Firms and Attorneys.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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Bankruptcy lawyers
Bankruptcy lawyers · 14 years ago
Great Article posted by the author.

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