Money Can’t Buy A Fist Full Of Promises


  • Author Donald Yates
  • Published July 21, 2008
  • Word count 999

The love of money is, as every one knows, the root of all evil.

What if . . . what if, there were a way . . . an avenue that could free you from the influence of sickness, poverty, unhappiness and even death itself? Wouldn’t you want to know about this miraculous cure? But wait, what if there were also some clearly set conditions you would have to follow because it involves laws that govern Life. You must learn and understand your connection to these laws and obey the conditions exactly as presented. Would you believe in the power it contained, take the time or make the effort to save yourself or a loved one from the menace of life.

Maybe, just maybe, if you were sick enough, you would make an effort, if only you could bring yourself to believe.

A world in trouble

The world is in such turmoil people have forgotten who they are, they have become blinded and don’t realize they don’t have to go through suffering and pain. But wait, hasn’t suffering and pain become a way of life, an entertainment medium for many people? People thrive on it, they expect it, they watch reality shows on TV and marvel at the affects of it. They crave the rush that fear, blood and mayhem provides. People have become stricken by worldly pleasures, excitement and promises and no longer can see their own fate.

Perhaps people have good intentions and the sight of evil is only amusement, but surely God has not unleashed some evil power just because he wishes man to be sick and suffer pain or to be miserable and end up in the grave. Surely God could not want man to be anything other than an expression of Himself. He created man in his own image and likeness which is nothing other than a perfect expression of Life.

Awaits a miracle

People are intelligent beings and as such shouldn’t have any difficulty in realizing that even God would not create an automatic robot, but rather a thinking, creative being for his own pleasure. Man has turned away from God and towards self, in doing so the world became contaminated and this explains the suffering of man as he journeys down the road to self-discovery. He must endure the consequences of the world order, not because he is required to, but because he must embrace the truth in his human experience.

To awaken the Human experience?

The human experience can be expressed through man’s capability to decipher and control his environment. Man also possesses realization of self or individuality which separates him from other species. Individuality includes a living soul, spirit, consciousness, interpreting right from wrong, freedom of choice, decision making, and the freedom and power to use God’s laws to create.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God and God breathed life into man, making man a living soul. Mankind is as he is and it is hard to imagine God creating anything other than that which he did. We are not emotionless non thinking beings that responds to some one’s commands. We are authentic thinking beings that are free individuals who were created in God’s image.

To Know their inner self

Why didn’t God create man then force freedom on him? Of course, if freedom were forced than it would negate it’s own purpose. God can’t give freedom of choice than compel any action because it would be a counter diction of laws.

It is becomes apparent when we realize freedom of choice means responsibility we are then decision makers. And as decision makers we are able to create as well as change our environment. Mankind must be free to create with limitless possibilities but he must discover that fact for himself. It is on that journey to limitless freedom that he discovers he has access to the Laws of life.

The Laws of life

There are two trains of thought on the Laws of life. One is that man invokes the law as he calls them into action. God has granted man the power to create and in doing so man formulates and establishes the law. The other thought is that man simply discovers laws that already exists. That all possibilities exist at all times. Either way, possibilities become realities through the actions of man, not God. God is the granter or provider, man is the initiator or partaker. In nature the clouds provide water for the ground to sprout seeds, it is much as the same relationship between God and man.

There is always the possibility that man, in his ignorance, will breach the law and cause damaging circumstances. The penalty for violating the law is suffering its’ opposite consequence.

Gamble life away

If a man should place his entire worth on a losing horse then he indeed would suffer the consequences of despair and poverty. Man makes the decision to succeed or fail, not God or any other principality. It might be through his own ignorance or position he has placed himself in, but ultimately it is man’s own actions that cause failure. There is always someone somewhere willing to demonstrate insufficiently or poor choice making.

Don’t blame it on God!

God might have given you the shovel but he didn’t make you hit your friend in the head with it. God does not impose suffering upon mankind nor does he deny it. He allows man to impose his own experience upon himself. Man trends to generalize or label that which he doesn’t understand and in doing so blames God for his misfortune. Because man has freedom of choice he can also choose to place the blame for failure or suffering on someone or something other than himself.

But we know, don’t we? We know from the depths of the soul comes a two fold self capable of good or evil.

Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Author, Spiritual Advisor, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.

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