The True Definition Of Marriage


  • Author Francis K. Githinji
  • Published December 19, 2008
  • Word count 533

The definition of marriage can be described as broad. This will depend on the structure or method of description. A marriage can be both described in few words and in many words. Legally, marriage is the union of two consenting adults who are sane; to live together until their marriage is dissolved by death or divorce. Another description of marriage is that it is a contract between two individuals, who have made it public that they are joint emotionally, economically and legally. There have been very many misconceptions about marriage. People who decide to live together in the United States without a legal document to show they are married are not married. In Kenya, when two people live for a number of years and produce kids without a marriage license, they are deemed to be married. Therefore, when there is public perception of marriage in many countries of the world, a government will recognize it as so. There are very many legal implications that come with marriage. The person you marry will be entitled to what you have; whether property or assets.

For this reason, marriage and perception of marriage becomes very critical. It is very vital for your marital status to be made clear. The traditional definition of marriage is not different. It stresses on longevity of a marital union which is supposed to be eternal. Many cultures mark their marriages differently. One thing marriages have in common in the social aspect. The community is usually invited to witness and behold the great transition. The above definition of marriage is for an ideal couple; a man and a woman. To address the gay community, marriage will have a slight difference in definition. Countries that allow gay marriages like Canada have a definition of marriage for their gay country men and women. They refer to such marriages as unions. A gay union is therefore a legal marriage between two people of the same sex for the purpose of living together for the rest of their lives. In the UK, they do not recognize this definition and, there is therefore no provision for gay marriage. Another form of marriage is polygamy.

This is where one man decides to be joined to more than one woman. Polygamy is not very popular in the west but, there are a very many people who practice it. The Muslim community is a polygamous one. A man can marry 4 wives. It is also very popular in the continent of Africa. Polyandry is the union between a woman and many men. It is illegal in many countries. It is vital to end with knowledge of what polyamory is. This is when married people decide to have sex in and out of marriage. It is commonly known as an open marriage. It has become popular in the recent past. It is meant to fulfill all the sexual urges that partners may have. It is vital to note that, for a marriage to be called a marriage there must be consummation or completion of marriage. This means that the couple must make love to have a true marriage. Otherwise, people who have not yet consummated their union can have their marriage annulled.

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Nora · 15 years ago
Here is my own definition of marriage: "MARRIAGE is a blind contract, done in absolute faith, that both partners will walk the same path in life, towards the same goals, 30 years hence." Life is constant growth and development. The trip of our lives is constantly taking us into different stages, from birth to grave…In each stage there are tasks to be performed and lessons to be learned, so when we get to die, our voyage of self-realization is complete. Does this "life as development program" happens to every one? Not quite! • First: you need to realize that life is for learning. • Second: you need to accept that the learning has to be done actively BY YOU, nobody else; • Third: all experiences, those named good or those named bad, are all learning experiences, and your task is to learn from them, tears and all. The problem is that we are taught so many things by our parents, and in school, but few people says to us: You are here to learn, first, who are you, second why are you here, to do what, and third, to do it, up until the last day! Is your marriage helping you learn the lessons you need to learn? Go to and get your free ebook: What Is Marriage?" now

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