A History Of Valentine's Day

Social IssuesCulture

  • Author Mansi Gupta
  • Published January 5, 2006
  • Word count 458

The shortest month of February perhaps brings the greatest moments of joy and celebration for every couple across the globe. This is because of the fêted occasion of Valentines Day that falls on the 14th of this month. Valentines Day or the day of saint valentines is the day of love and affection. Love is in the air on this day when lovers verbalize the language of their heart and make each other feel thou preciousness.

Just like there is a story or a reason behind every celebration, there are tales associated with the Valentines Day too. Every year 14th February is cheered with exchange of loads of gifts and feelings. But according to a story actually it is the day when a devotee of love sacrificed his life for this most beautiful feeling which is yet the cause of humanity on earth.

Thousands of years ago in 3rd century B.C there was a saint, Valentine, in Rome. He was a priest in the kingdom of Saint Claudius II. One fine day the king realized that married men do not turn out to be proficient soldiers for family bonds and relationships weaken them. So in order to have good quality soldiers and a strong military force he outlawed marriage for young men.

But saint Valentine who had throughout his life materialized the feeling of love by tying nuptial bonds opposed the king’s instructions. He went against his orders and continued coordinating marriages clandestinely. But soon emperor Claudius II got information about it. Consequently he decided to punish saint Valentine by putting him to death on 14th February.

From that day onwards 14th February is memorized as the day that marks eternality of the bond of love and the spirits of all the true lovers.

But this is not the only fable hanging behind Valentines Day. According to another famous one, Valentine was a captive who did fall in love with his jailor’s daughter. On the day when Valentine was taken to persecution he wrote and left a letter for his girlfriend. That day was 14th February and the love letter had the sign underneath as “Your Valentine”.

Thus this day came to be recognized and celebrated as the Valentines Day. It commenced the tradition of exchange of love letters and other instruments to express one’s feelings of affection.

Though it is very difficult to know the true identity of the man Valentine, it is for sure that he was an idol of love who died but proved that the flame of love can never be extinguished. Love always stands unbeaten and victorious despite of countless attempts made by people to trounce it and this is the primary cause to rejoice the Valentines Day

Mansi gupta writes about send valentine's day flowers. Learn more http://www.sendflowersto.com/valentines.php .

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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