Best Description Of The Art Of Marriage


  • Author Francis K. Githinji
  • Published December 28, 2008
  • Word count 566

The art of marriage is often complex to express. It forms every fiber of society and, there is so much more to it. From time immemorial, marriage has stood out to be the single constant in all generations. It is a union that evokes many thoughts and feelings. Its original purpose is not tainted and, some achieve this in the modern world. The following is as description of marriage by a person who made a reading that best describes the art of marriage. This is one of the most popular marriage readings which are sweet and inspiring. It is 'art of marriage' by Wilfred A. Peterson. It is a poem that shares the following. 'A good marriage must be created'. This is an interesting line which suggests that marriage cannot be emulated. It has to be crafted. The most interesting thing about it is that you can mold your marriage to whatever you want it to become. People who are successful in marriage have made a deliberate step to be successful. The other line of the poem about marriage is 'The little things are big things in marriage'. This could not be any truer. As you start your marital union, you often find that those things that are most irritating are the so called little things. The things that make you happy most are some of the little compliments that your spouse will make.

It is vital for you to have this reality and take this piece to make your marital union better. The other line in the poem art of life is that 'You should never be too old to hold hands'. This is very inspiring and challenges those couples who are young but still do not find time to hold hands. There is nothing complicated about love, holding hands say it all. The poem continues to state that the art of marriage is 'Never going to bed angry'. How many people go to bed many nights being angry with each other? In society today, couples go even months while still angry with each other. This does not mean that problems are much tougher today. Contrary to this, it is the sheer unwillingness for both partners to work things out. If you find that you are angry at bed time, seek to make things right; in a humble manner. If it does not work, you have done your part.

The other art that you need to know is that 'Marriage is giving each other an atmosphere where each person can grow'. Many people choke each other with the atmosphere they provide. Consequently, partners are not able to grow and go to desired heights. It is vital for couples to be agents of goodwill for their partners to go to great levels. Marriage is also 'Standing together and facing the world'. A lot of unity can be felt from this line. You need to remember that your partner is a part of you and, you will always be strong standing together. Divided you fall and there are no two ways about it. There are many other lines to this poem but, with the above, you are in a position to put some of the wisdom into practice. The poem is full of good advice that will transform your marriage from mediocre to excellent. This is truly the best description of what marriage art is all about.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest ProjectArt Of Marriage Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Art Of Marriage

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