Tips for a great 2009


  • Author John Dashfield
  • Published February 20, 2009
  • Word count 778

With all the turmoil going on the world and with seemingly more to come it looks as though 2009 will continue to have an air of unpredictability about it. With all this uncertainty about many people seem to find themselves experiencing increased levels of stress, worry and anxiety. And yet it doesn't have to be that way.

We can all choose what to focus upon and in doing so shape our lives, and the lives of others, in a better way. Here are my tips for living each day well:

Give more than you take

There is tremendous pleasure in giving for no other reason that to be kind. just imagine how the world might be if, every day each of us were just to demonstrate that little bit extra compassion, kindness and consideration towards others. For example, what a difference paying people genuine compliments can make. In one of my favourite books 'Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins says "‘Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all’.

Remember to smell the flowers along the way

In our usual rush to get somewhere important we often forget to live in the moment. The truth is that the only time we have is right now because both the past and the future are simply mental constructs experienced in the present moment. Smelling the flowers means remembering to laugh, smile and feel good despite what's happening.

Most people will have experienced the severe cold weather we've had recently. In my neck of the woods it actually went down as low as -12 but even in unusually harsh conditions there is still beauty to be seen. I remember driving to the station early one morning. The trees were absolutely white with thick frost, there was a light mist and the sun was just faint orange orb above, but enough light was shining through to illuminate the trees. It was stunningly beautiful. In difficult conditions - the weather, the economy etc, there is always much to appreciate.

Treat your body like a temple

Your body is your home. Treat it well and you'll get a lifetime of good service. Neglect it and you'll sooner or later come to regret it. Your health is one of those things you really cannot 'put off' until sometime in the future. It's what you do now that will determine your quality of life in the years to come. Eat well, sleep well and make exercise a habit.

Think big!

Thinking big is about stretching yourself and believing in you. In 'The Magic of Thinking Big', David. J Schwartz says "belief in success is the one basic, absolutely essential ingredient in successful people". There are no guarantees in life but if you commit 100% your chances are massively improved, aren't they? It’s useful to regularly ask yourself in what areas you are settling and where you can ask more of yourself?

Live in a permanent state of curiosity

Cutting edge science is proving, beyond question, that our physical reality is connected. We are not all separate beings in a separate world, as science has so long promoted but are connected in a way we don’t yet understand.

When you are in a state of curiosity you become more open to intuitions, hunches and those ‘gut feelings’. Very often, the right people, circumstances and opportunities can show up in your life at just the right time – if you expect them to.

Inspirational quotes

"Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others." Marianne Williamson

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." Albert Camus

"Changes are not only possible and predictable, but to deny them is to be an accomplice to one's own necessary vegetation." Gail Sheehy

"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger-but recognize the opportunity." John F. Kennedy

"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential." Barack Obama

"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." George W. Bush, Jan. 12, 2009

Written by John Dashfield

Dashfield Coaching and Development

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John Dashfield

Dashfield Coaching and Development

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