Feldman Law Center Complaints - Greg Feldman


  • Author Greg Feldman
  • Published May 14, 2009
  • Word count 486

The Feldman Law Center has always held itself to the highest standards of ethical behavior in the business of loan modifications, resulting in the company’s reputation as being the "gold standard" in the industry. The company’s people, cutting edge software, and technology platforms have now positioned Feldman Law Center as the leader in the industry for years to come. Dominance does have its price however and, like the fastest gun in the west, someone is always shooting for you. There is a wide spectrum in terms of how companies compete with each other. On one end are the well-run, well-managed companies which compete by hiring talent, honing skills, building systems, and investing in their people. At the other end of the spectrum, lie the lesser companies which lack the wherewithal to grow, improve, and/or compete fairly. These types of companies tend to resort to less reputable ways to improve their position in the market.

One of those ways is evident in the associated article. This method attempts to spread un-true, negative commentary around the internet with the intent of damaging the reputations of companies that are both doing good work and keeping families in their homes. The recent news that foreclosures are up 30% over the same period in 2008 is only one indicator of the importance of the work being done by ethical companies like The Feldman Law Center.

The hired guns for these negative campaigns can be high school drop-outs, college students, ex-employees, or anybody with the ability to post content on the web. This content is rarely fact-based and is usually made up of baseless accusations, generally inflammatory language, and negative statements which are impossible to verify. The odds of a poster actually ever being a client of the companies they write about are small indeed. Another characteristic of these posters is that they have very little knowledge the actual loan modification process. Examples of this characteristic pop up throughout the article in question. In reality, modifying loans with lenders requires that the companies on either side of the negotiation have a working, professional relationship. For companies like Feldman Law Center and Wells Fargo Mortgage, that relationship could cover hundreds or even thousands of loan modifications over time. Both sides have the same thing to gain from a successful loan modification; keeping the family in their home.

Contrary to the contentions presented Feldman Law Center carries an A- rating with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB describes a rating of A- as "Excellent". The article closes in true templated negative poster fashion with two statements that have no basis in reality. Again, contrary to what is presented, the BBB states that in regard to The Feldman Law Center, "We know of no government action taken against this company". The final statement that the poster is cooperating with these fictional agencies simply show sand summarizes the true nature of the article in question.

The team at Feldman Law Center stands ready to answer any questions you might have regarding modifying the mortgage on your home. For more information please call us at (800) 588-0425 or visit http://www.feldmanlawcenter.com

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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Reba Thistle
Reba Thistle · 14 years ago
Los Angeles, CA A group of homeowners have joined together in solidarity in asking the California Bar Association to investigate the complaints against The Feldman Law Center over the last several years a little more thoroughly. The group, which is comprised of victims from all over the state who say they were swindled out of thousands of dollars believes that the Bar Association did no investigating at all. According to the Better Business Bureau website, Feldman has managed to get himself an F – rating in less than two years. They also report that Feldman received a cease and desist from the New Mexico Attorney Generals Office. Even the California Bar issued their own Pro Active statement regarding Feldman last September as a service in the public interest. In the official Press Release, Chief Trial Counsel Russell Weiner states "It appears these attorneys may have significantly harmed their clients who were already facing great financial pressure and the possible loss of their homes." Although the group has a variety of complaints, the one common thread is that they all feel Feldman didn’t do any work. According to the group, where there’s smoke there is fire. This past week after members of the group have been waiting for up to two years or more for an answer from the California Bar, one of the members finally got an answer, in a letter from Investigator Sheila Campbell, " … this office has concluded that the written evidence is not clear and convincing to prove that Mr. Feldman committed misconduct". Another member of the group, a single mother from Northern California who has yet to hear from Ms. Campbell formally, says this seems highly unbelievable as she alone sent a ream of documentation to the investigator. According to the Long Beach homeowner who received the letter, he also submitted a mass amount of evidence and the investigator Sheila Campbell called him several times to ask questions that were readily answered by reading the documents. "In our conversations, it was pretty clear that there was no investigation. - just a he said/she said between Feldman and myself, and I guess Feldman won." stated the Long Beach resident. "She provided me with no evidence of any research or activity that we normally think of as an investigation. She hadn’t even contacted the Bank that holds my mortgage. Pretty much just took Feldman at his word. We even had provided her with leads on former Feldman employees who had given us full accounts of activities within the office that would be considered against the law". Another member of the group said that he had gotten fed up with waiting for the Bar Association and took matters into his own hands. " I sued Feldman in Small Claims Court. I won by default as he never showed up." However, the group that has been a moral support group through email during these tough times decided that this was unacceptable. We feel an obligation to our fellow citizens, particularly those who have already been the victims of Predators. According to the Better Business Bureau, they have received complaints against Feldman as recently as April and seven in the month of February alone. They believe the Bar Association needs to demonstrate that an actual investigation took place if they want to remain credible. If the Bar Association can’t be trusted to keep their membership in line, then who can be trusted. We are seeking other victims and their stories to come forward so that the Bar has no choice but to re-open the investigation. Please send your stories to Feldman@JutsiceEnforcement.net . Your information will be held in strictest confidence and you will be contacted if you are needed to speak with Media or authorities.

Martin · 14 years ago
LIAR LIAR LIAR! Read this article on Feldman Law Center for the real scoop! http://mandelman.ml-implode.com/2009/12/my-experiences-with-feldman-law-center/

Keith · 15 years ago

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