Tips to Make Money on your Website

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  • Author Alex Smith
  • Published July 26, 2009
  • Word count 519

DO something that will brand your website as your site must have an identity that people are aware of. For example choose titles and create logos that will remind users of what your website is about.

DO pay attention to both style and content. Having good quality content on your site is imperative as content is what visitors are usually looking for when they view sites and good content is what is needed if u want your customers to come back.

Style will not stand on its own and can’t keep visitors coming back but Style’s purpose is to attract a visitor’s attention and draw him to the content. They come because of the style, they stay – and come back – because of the content.

DON’T waste your visitors’ time. One common trait of web surfers is that they don’t want to waste time. For example don’t put flash videos on your website which take longer to load than watch. This will make your visitors annoyed and result in them not coming back.

DON’T commit to an update schedule that you can’t follow. If you tell them there’s an update every Monday, make sure they’ll find new content on Monday. Keeping to a tight schedule will inspire a feeling of loyalty with visitors.

It’s a very short list of DOs and DON’Ts, but the tips mentioned above are important and may be crucial in deciding whether your website will stay online for a long time.

Another thing is to put a direct banner advertisement it will help you to make money on your site. The most profitable method monetize is by selling your own advertising space. Because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leader board, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.

There are some blogs and websites give away a free content of there service and there is an appropriate charge for the premium content and exclusive tools. This will help you to earn profit from your web site. Giving this kind of option will help the visitor to decide if they want to become a premium member so that they can fully access the site specially if they can avail a good benefit, for example a complete information regarding a certain topic.

You should monitor the performance of your site so that you will know what are the changes to be done. Considering that there are visitors in your site but the question is, do they respond to the text links or banner ads? make changes if needed. What's new that you could be adding. Add content and tools can really help attract traffic and hold an audience.

Having a great title for your page is also a good idea. This will help your page to caught the visitors attention. Be descriptive because if the visitors see your site in the search result listing those first five words they will grab their attention and say it all.

At UK Make MoneyPrograms our aim is to provide you credible information on the best make money programs. Owned by Alex Smith, a UK based entrepreneur, who openhandedly share the secrets of easy make money online through this online programs.

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