Discover the benefits of daily journaling


  • Author Wee Dilts
  • Published November 28, 2009
  • Word count 799


The word journal comes from the French "jour" which means day. Journaling each day is having a visit with your best friend, you.

This ancient practice dates back to the 10th century Japan. Successful people throughout history have kept journals.

Journaling has a positive impact on your well being. James Pennebaker, researcher, states that writing strengthens the immune system and decreases symptoms of asthma and arthritis. He also states that writing about stressful things helps you come to grips with them and thus reduces stress in your life.

Journaling is a chance to explore ideas in an unstructured environment.

Christina Baldwin:

"Journal writing is a voyage to the interior."

Who should journal?

  1. Anyone who aspires to write

  2. Anyone who wants to capture feelings and insights

  3. Anyone who wants healing of mind and body

  4. Anyone who is trying to solve problems

  5. Anyone who wants to find them selves

Why journal?

Scientific evidence supports that Journaling, accesses the left brain, the analytical brain. While it is busy, the right brain is free to create.

Writing clears mental blockages and allows you to understand your self.

Journaling every day will:

  1. Clarify your thoughts. It is amazing how much clarity I find in writing. There is power in the connection of the brain, the pen, and the pad.

You cannot get the same benefit from journaling with your computer as you do by real writing.

  1. Helps you examine feelings. I get moments of clarity about situations that have been confusing.

  2. Reduce stress. Start writing. You’ll experience release and calmness. Writing quiets mind chatter.

  3. Find solutions to problems. I’ve had AHA moments while writing. Somehow the creative right brain comes up with answers.

5.Lets you resolve disagreements. More often than not when I’m in disagreement with someone, it is I that need to change; writing helps me adjust my attitude.

  1. Help you get to know yourself. The more I visit with my best friend, through journaling, the more I come to know and like myself.


" I fall back on this journal just as some other poor devil takes to drink."

When to journal?

  1. Morning or evening any committed time. I prefer morning when my dreams are still fresh. I combine journal time with meditation and spiritual reading.

  2. Evening is a good time. You can reflect on your day and how you behaved.

  3. Writing twice a day morning and evening is best of all worlds. Try it for a week. You’ll like the results.

  4. Many people jot down thoughts and feelings throughout the day. That’s fine too.

The important thing is to write in your journal every day. Make it a habit.

What to journal?

Write more than daily accountings, I got up, I went to work, I came home is not journaling. Add thoughts, questions and revelations.

Write about your:

  1. Inspirations

  2. Questions

  3. Revelations

  4. Commitments

  5. What you’ve done to help someone else?

  6. What you’ve learned?

  7. What’s your biggest mistake?

  8. Confusing issues

  9. Gratitude

It’s your story. It’s your feelings, ideas, thoughts and dreams. The stuff that makes up your life. That’s what you write about.

Reflect on what happens in your life, track events, look for patterns. Discover - become aware.

Remember - it’s your journal. You get to choose what’s important to you. That’s Journaling.

How to journal?

Get a pencil and pad or a three-ring notebook, or something fancy.

Please no computers. You cannot achieve the mind, hand, soul connection with a computer.

Jump start you writing by writing three things you’re grateful for, or write three goals, three wants or three best qualities. Just start.

Commit to a time to journal.

Do you care who reads it? Decide if you want to secure it or not.

Twenty Benefits of Journaling

  1. It reduces stress

  2. Helps you stay focused and organized

  3. Helps you sort out your thinking

  4. Serves as a reminder 5. Improves your sense of well-being

  5. Helps clear your mind

  6. Improves a sense of gratitude

  7. Promotes healing

  8. Enhances life

  9. Generates creative ideas

  10. Helps you understand yourself

  11. Makes sense - increases perspective

  12. Brings joy and humor

  13. Increases sensitivity

  14. Improves relationships with yourself and others

  15. Clears mental blockage

  16. Allows better understanding of self

  17. Leads you toward peace of mind

  18. Promotes self discipline

  19. Enhances spiritual growth


There is no better way to get acquainted with yourself then by Journaling.

It is time spent with yourself where you can collect your thoughts, sort out confusion, find focus, open up your spirituality.

No one is judging your writing. There is great benefit and comfort in journaling. It is a powerful time of reflection. A time to know yourself. It’s also cheap therapy.

Lao-tzu Tao Te Ching:

"He who knows others is learned

He who knows himself is wise"

Copyright © Wee Dilts 2009

Wee Dilts is a teacher, counselor, a psychologist and a life long student and teacher of metaphysic. She has written numerous self help articles, ebooks and sales training courses. She is dedicated to helping you live a richer fuller life. Get life changing free articles, view self help ebooks, and profit as an affiliate.

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