Top 10 Foods To Boost Your Energy

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Neelima Reddy
  • Published February 9, 2010
  • Word count 1,114

——–Food treats us right and gives us energy

The amount of food a person eats during a day is mainly responsible for the amount of energy that person has available for the daily actions.

For a regular person with a regular job, a normal and not very exhausting activity span, a healthy diet is something very recommendable. Such a diet usually contains a combination of approximated 40% fibers, 30% proteins, 10% water and natural juice or substitutes and only 20% carbohydrates.

What happens when a person has a job that requires a high amount of energy consumption?

The world is full of people that seem to go from one day to another permanently exhausted and without energy. Most of the time we hear about this people that they just" don’t get enough sleep". The sleep deprivation is a common cause for the permanent fatigue and also for a constant nervous disposition.

Can sleep be the only responsible for the increased number of tired people that we see all around us daily? Usually under a huge amount of stress people tend to gain weight and the cause for this is not only an unhealthy diet.

When the work piles up and a 24 hr day seems to be insufficient to get the work done we tend to eat a lot of junk food and drink as many energy drinks as we can get our hands on in order to be able to stand and finish the tasks we are given.

The result is of a short term and comes with the side effect of addiction along with the weight gain everyone dreads.

So…since we all need to get the energy somehow but in the mean time we need to keep out body "machine" functioning properly, let’s analyze which are the most energizing foods and drinks that can help us on our way to be the best we can be, and also live a healthy and productive life.

  1. Green vegetables

These little wonders of nature hide under their vivid green skin, the entire complex of B vitamins as well as magnesium and iron. These vitamins and minerals can be found in all green vegetables, the leaders being broccoli, asparagus and spinach.

Broccoli is an excellent resource of Q10 coenzyme the most important regenerative factor for the cellular activity. The lettuce and cabbage are rich in vitamin C and the carotenes responsible for maintaining the quality of our vision as we grow old.

The so popular green vegetable salad is not just a Hollywood myth initiated by the gurus of "let’s get slim fast" theory. The constant intake of green vegetable in a raw or steamed form guarantees a high amount of healthy energy.

  1. Whole Cereals

The most advertised means of a energizing breakfast, the whole cereals are responsible for an energetic start of the day. The carbohydrates and sugar in them is released gradually during digestion and that is how these smart drops from the nature’s energy boost can help a person stay sharp and still be responsible with their diet.

The cereals are also an important source of B vitamins and are responsible for a good functioning of the spleen, the body’s energy battery.

  1. Green parsley

These magical green leaves that seem so benign, when considering the nutrition factor, are a vitamin C bomb. The green parsley leaves have more vitamin C than the citrus fruit. As unbelievable as it may seem introducing them in a person’s diet boosts up the level of cell regeneration and helps the body get more energy.

  1. Fruits

It is common knowledge that fruits are a food group that guarantees an energy intake due to the fructose level and the vitamins they all carry. The most energizing fruit are grapes, peaches and citrus fruit dew to their high fructose content.

The most fruits have a large content of vitamins, predominant C and through it a large energetic potential. Of course the fruits can be replaced by fruit juice under the condition this is home made not bought from the supermarket. Of course the bottled juice gives energy but because of the sugar addition, after the sugar rush it produces, the energy disappears very fast.

  1. Seeds

Most of the seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin are very rich in proteins and minerals and their presence in a person’s nutrition is an important source of energy. These little seeds are also a source of magnesium and iron.

The polyunsaturated fats they contain are benefit for the cardiovascular system and help the blood flow to the heart and brain.

  1. Nuts

All nuts from peanuts to pistachio are an excellent source of minerals with a high nutrition factor. They contain vitamins A, B and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. They fight against anemia and bring the body durable energy.

  1. Fruit smoothies and shakes

The smart combination of fruit juice and milk is always a source of energy. The combination of vitamins and calcium increases the body’s energetic potential and it is also a very refreshing helping hand when you get extra tired while working.

  1. Green tea

The ancient source of energy that comes from the Asian countries has conquered the occidental shores creating a rave of fashion. This green elixir is a source of antioxidants and an important resource of energy for the entire body.

During the last years it became quite a trend and has been made popular all over the web and media. Apart from this trendy movement the green tea remains one of the top nutrition elements in providing energy.

  1. Honey

The "sweetness of the world"- honey maybe the most popular food ever since the concept of "healthy" became an issue in the nutritionist’s conversation. The best energetic content in a food item is the one provided by honey.

Used as a sweetener for tea and coffee or other hot drinks, or simply consumed as it is, it becomes an energy pill that helps the body regenerate and be more alert. Recently, the honey was introduced in packed cereals, in power bars and in a large variety of energy drinks.

  1. Coffee

It is only natural that the brain’s "alarm clock" should be on top of the nutrition energy providers. Coffee is known to boost up the attention, increase the brain activity, and improve the disposition. It’s pretty much our own adrenalin shot available in a hot steaming cup.

Whether we are young or old, we all need a drop of energy to take us through a difficult or a busy day. The way we watch over our diet can become an important step in providing our body the energy it needs.

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for Flavored Delights blog helps you learn everything you need to know about healthy food, recipes, eating out, sweet stuff, kitchen equipment, wine & drinks etc.. Visit Falvored Delights

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