How Do I Know If He Truly Loves Me?

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Michael Delph
  • Published August 12, 2007
  • Word count 808

Love brings behavioral changes in human beings. If we observe a person who is in deep love, we would definitely find the basic changes in him/her at the first glance. However there is no certain set of rules that can be applicable to fathom out whether a man has fallen in love with another woman or vice versa. During our childhood days, we get contented with the sense of material love but with the passage of time, it is the fragrance of romantic love that allures us the most.

It is utterly important that you know the mindset of the person with whom you want to make love. Otherwise all of your emotions for your desired man would be lost in the long run. So to understand whether he loves you or not, you need to interact with him, spend long hours and also make him realize that you have a soft feeling for him. Talking to him intimately and showing interest in his personal preferences and tastes will help you come closer to your man. When you are judging your partner’s feeling try not to reveal your intention to him.

The first thing that you must consider is his verbal comments. This may be of various types like ‘I love you’, ‘I like you’, or any other comments that sounds good and expresses his feelings for you. Try to understand his voice along with his approach of saying – measure whether it is passionate, direct from heart or it is any artificial gesture. Though it is really difficult to make out anyone’s intention right from his speech, still you should carry on speaking with him in the hope of unearthing the real truth. If he continue speaking in the same way and show his interest to you, be sure that he has some soft corner for you too.

There are many people who lack expressing their feelings through words; instead they express through actions. Suppose you meet a boy who could not express his feelings to you in words but gifted you something very romantic, you must praise his action and speak about that gift while interacting with him afterwards to carry the relationship further. If he has feelings for you, he would definitely gift you on many occasions in future too.

A man truly loves you if he makes you feel special by offering you flowers or any special item whenever you meet him. He would ring you not only at casual hours but also in odd hours…even at the dead of night. It is because he wants to feel your presence and would like to spend some moments with you. He would even sacrifice his other friends for you, because he values you more than anyone else. He would always pay heed to your words - what you say and what you feel. The sound of your television set may be at the peak but he would find way to listen your words.

If you find that he shows interest in spending long times with you and talks to you more like a friend, you can obviously go further with him. If he is in love with you he would definitely feel for you and would arrange to spend special times with you. If you feel sick promptly tell him and observe how he reacts. He would definitely nurse you with great love and care, and would do exactly what is required at that moment. If he behaves otherwise…keep in mind that he does not love you at all.

You can also get to know his intention from behavior of his friends and close relatives with you. If they respect you and hold you in high regard, you can be sure that he has spoken to them about his feelings for you. Try finding out how he spends his leisure time. If you realize that he spends thinking of you for hours together…do not go for other person; keep settled with this man. He is the best man, who can give you pleasure and satisfaction in life more than anyone else in the world. At the time of taking any decision if he asks you for your opinions and follows that, it is a sign the he needs you at important times also. Difference of opinion occurs mostly at the time of watching television. In every crisis and hours of confusion he will respect you ideas and likings if he is in love with you.

Apart from all these characteristics, he would be passionate for you, would show interest to hug or kiss you, touch you and would like to have a very intimate and personal relationship. So, if you find any of the above ideas similar with your present boyfriend, you can rest assured that he truly loves you.

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