Author's articles

Fighting a Restraining Order - Temporary Vs Permanent Overview
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
When discussing divorce rights for fathers, advice on fighting a restraining order usually rears its ugly, expensive head. That's because, unfortunately in today's society, in most divorce cases where a father is trying to win ...
When Not to Fight a Restraining Order - Advice For Fathers Regarding Child Custody Cases
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
If there's one message I was hoping to get across by creating this article, it's that fathers + rights + divorce does NOT equal a dead end! But that's exactly what one colleague tried to ...
Does Fighting a Restraining Order Go on Your Permanent Criminal Record?
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
This topic is one of the things which worries fathers who are fighting a restraining order during a divorce - and quite rightly too. Unfortunately during some custody battles, your ex's lawyer will advise her ...
How Restraining Order Violations Affect Custody Outcomes During Divorce
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
If you're a father who is fighting a restraining order during a divorce case, practically the worst thing that can happen next is to be accused of a violation of that order. To sum it ...
Can a Father Win Custody Whilst Fighting a Restraining Order?
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Every year, thousands of Americans get divorced. According to the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri, around 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce. ...
How to Fight a Restraining Order During a Custody Battle
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Fathers who are forced into fighting a restraining order after their ex decides to file phony abuse allegations, in order to win a custody battle, often have an uphill struggle to defend themselves. This article ...
Why Thousands of Fathers Are Fighting a Restraining Order This Year
By Adam J. Jenkins · 14 years ago
During divorce cases, your ex's lawyer might suggest she file a phony allegation of abuse against you so that a temporary restraining order can be obtained. And while you're trying to figure out how to ...
Critical Steps For Fathers Fighting a Restraining Order During Divorce
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Fathers' rights during divorce are often forgotten. So if you're a father fighting a restraining order as part of a custody battle with your ex, you need to ensure you take several critical steps as ...
David Letterman Fighting a Restraining Order - An Example Case of Legal Madness
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
When your ex decides to file phony abuse allegations so that you're fighting a restraining order during a divorce case, the legal process is in two stages. The first "ex parte" hearing is one which ...
3 Critical Steps For Fighting a Restraining Order As Part of a Divorce - Custody Case
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
If you find yourself fighting a restraining order as part of sly divorce tactics by your ex, it's usually because a lawyer has been telling her how to win a custody battle as fast as ...
Fighting a Restraining Order - Tips For Helping Your Kids Cope
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Fathers who are fighting a restraining order as part of a divorce battle often don't know how to deal with the aftermath when they win. Fathers win custody of their children all the time, but ...
Fighting a Restraining Order Across State Lines
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Different states in America have different laws regarding restraining orders, and their enforcement. If you're fighting a restraining order across state lines, it's important to know various facts so that you have the best chance ...
Understanding Sly Divorce Maneuvers - Fighting a Restraining Order
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
Some readers may be confused about how they end up fighting a restraining order during divorce proceedings, because they aren't aware of the various options available to a manipulative ex. It's a good idea to ...
What to Expect When Being Served a Restraining Order
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
When a restraining order is served against you, it's usually an upsetting and shocking event. Many people don't know what will happen during the order being served, never mind how to go about effectively fight ...
Advice For Birthdays and Christmas Time Whilst Fighting a Restraining Order
By Adam Jenkins · 14 years ago
This is a short article to help fathers through the difficult time of birthdays and Christmas whilst fighting a restraining order. First of all, dealing with a restraining order and all its paperwork might be ...