
Bindman – How to get a law training contract
By Jake Holyoak · 7 years ago
Those looking to pursue a career in law will know that training contracts and pupillages are the golden ticket – and final step on the road to qualifying as a solicitor. This period of recognised ...
How Mergers And Acquisition Affect Company
By Michael Brown · 7 years ago
Mergers and acquisitions keep happening in the corporate world. Both of these two activities are often construed as the magic elixir that will enhance the prestige of a newly formed company, grow sales and save ...
Background Checks and Private Investigations
By Claire Sanders · 7 years ago
What is a background check? A background check is looking up certain data and information of a person or a firm. Most of the time, a private investigator is hired by employers to do a ...
Why you Need a Lawyer for a DUI in Colorado
By Jericho Pineda · 7 years ago
Under Colorado law, driving under the influence can have you charged with a misdemeanor, or after multiple accounts, a felony. If you've been charged with a DUI, it's imperative to take action within seven days. ...
Manchester Law Firms Should Take a Leaf Out of the Tech Scene’s Book
By George Crane · 7 years ago
With discussions about Brexit and the results of the general election never far from earshot, it would be easy to perceive any mention of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ as political posturing. However, after a month in ...
Get the Right Advice from an EB-5 Immigration Attorney
By Marjan Kasra · 7 years ago
In 1990, the Congress initiated the EB5 green card program. The objective was to add more jobs to the United States market which in turn would help boost the economy. This program was first implemented ...
Quick Uncontested Divorce Louisiana
By Rasel Mahmud · 7 years ago
Many people call our office in New Orleans trying to get a quick uncontested divorce for one reason or another, but the main purpose is simple: they no longer want to be married to their ...
15 Common Myths About Child Custody
By V. Wayne Ward · 7 years ago
There are many misconceptions about child custody not only in Fort Worth but the entire world. Some divorcing parents are forced to believe in such myths because they are very common to a point many ...
10 Quick Tips on How to Find a Divorce Lawyer
By V. Wayne Ward · 7 years ago
Divorce is a dreaded incident in any family because it is so painful and grueling just like any other legal procedure that can profoundly affect your life. In such a case, a legal family divorce ...
Are You Looking For A Family Law Attorney? Points Worth Your Consideration
By V. Wayne Ward · 7 years ago
Making the right choice with your family law attorney means a lot to the final outcome of your case. Nowadays there are pretty many issues that touch domestic relations and family matters in general and ...
12 Ways To Avoid Divorce And Build A Strong Marriage
By V. Wayne Ward · 7 years ago
As a legal professional specialized in family law, I can confirm that divorce cases are quite many in this 21st century. Most divorce lawyers can ascertain this fact since they confirm they are handling a ...
Overcriminalization of America
By Fred Eghobor · 7 years ago
Civil society flourishes when its people – young or old, black or white or brown – can trust that justice will be dispensed without fear or favor. The American criminal justice system presently is broken, ...
Top 10 tips when preparing for CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
All providers of health and social care in England should be aware of the legal requirement to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). However, how well prepared is your organisation for the pending inspection ...
The Woes of Seattle Traffic
By Kenneth Bills · 7 years ago
Tim had always loved Seattle. Although he was not a native, he considered himself a native because he had lived in Seattle for so long. Originally from the Midwest, he had visited Seattle on a ...
When It All Falls Apart- Why You Need A Divorce Lawyer In Fort Worth
By V. Wayne Ward · 7 years ago
Sometimes no matter the effort or intentions we have about our marriages, relationships fall apart and things no longer work out the way we expected. In such situations, somebody needs the intervention of a divorce ...
Six Reasons to Not Do Your Injury Claim on Your Own
By Doug Day · 7 years ago
Following a serious accident, there are many reasons people avoid seeking legal representation and assistance. As a personal injury firm, we get it. We know that often legal help can be intimidating, stressful, and complicated. ...
How to ensure non-NHS health care organisations are prepared for CQC registration
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
Registering with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is compulsory for all providers of health and social care in England, not just those as part of the NHS, and it is against the law not to ...
Kansas City, Kansas Family Law Attorneys Explain Legal Separation and Divorce
By Kirk Stange · 7 years ago
Legal separation and a divorce have important differences. Kansas City Missouri Divorce Lawyers in Jackson County agree that it is important for parties to know the difference between the two. When parties get legally separated, ...
What are the Drug Laws of Colorado
By Biit Feroz · 7 years ago
Marijuana is the legal term for cannabis and it is legal in Colorado for medicinal and recreational purposes. Earlier it was illegal but after the Amendment 64 on November 6, 2012, it became legal in ...
Do I Have a Case? Three Points to Help You Know
By Matthew Driggs · 7 years ago
For personal injury attorneys, one of the most frequent questions is whether or not a client has a case. For example, a client will call or be in one of our free consultations and will ...