
How Financial Planners Can Fight Elder Abuse
By Bryan Mitchell · 7 years ago
As our population continues to age, so we must continue to fight elder abuse. The most common kind of elder abuse is financial abuse, and the good news is that professionals like financial planners can ...
DUI Offenders: Why an Attorney is Essential for Your Case
By Arissa Dimond · 7 years ago
In the United States alone there are nearly 1.5 million arrests made every year for individuals who are arrested for driving under the influence, many of which cause accidents. These incidents can stay on an ...
Timber Theft: a growing problem
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
After I retired from law enforcement I became a private investigator in Portland, Oregon. I had investigated many crimes over the years and even worked as an Internal Affairs investigator and over the years developed ...
Milennials: Why You Need To Consider Estate Planning
By Bryan Mitchell · 7 years ago
Estate planning for millennials? Surely that’s the last thing that generation is thinking about. Jokes and memes about millennials abound online. When a meme about the three biggest millennial fears is all about being connected ...
Digital Estate Planning
By Bryan Mitchell · 7 years ago
When thinking of estate planning, most people don’t really think about their digital estate. So what is it and why is it important to include it in your estate planning? Our digital estate is made ...
Who Do Customs Brokers Work For?
By Sam Reid · 7 years ago
The current legislation now requires that any customs broker attends regular training. This training can be as "classroom" sessions or internet courses, but all the training sessions are attached to a points structure. Individual brokers ...
SAC Declarations; Custom Broker In Perth Insights
By Sam Reid · 7 years ago
When you are importing into Australia, you are likely to come across a number of unfamiliar terms. However, there are different types of Self Assessed Clearance or SAC declarations that you need to understand to ...
Duties Of Directors Under Cyprus Companies Law
By Michael Chambers · 7 years ago
Cyprus Companies Law (Cap. 113) provides that every private company shall have at least one director and every public company shall have at least two directors (s.170). Furthermore, every company must have a secretary and ...
Maritime Security, a Basic Introduction
By Rob Haigh · 7 years ago
Maritime Security, what is it? Many people understand maritime security to be the role of the military to protect our seas and oceans, but this is not always the case. All of us depend on ...
Expatriates and Sharia Law - What You Need To Know
By Mohammad Marria · 7 years ago
Every year, thousands of expats are pouring into UAE lured by the tax free income, luxurious lifestyle and high earnings, but the Middle East has always been seen by the strict sharia laws. Every now ...
Keeping up with … Employment Law
By Judith Lindenberger · 7 years ago
Each year, new legislation is passed, or there are substantive changes, which result in more work for human resources professionals and underscore the importance of remaining compliant in a heavily regulated workplace. A short list ...
Auto Accidents
By Adam Johnson · 7 years ago
The most common types of accidents we handle are motor vehicle collisions. As the largest metro area in the state of Nevada, the Las Vegas area where the majority of all motor vehicle crashes happen ...
Accidents Will Happen: Even When Chauffeured
By Adam Johnson · 7 years ago
Whether you are shuttling over to McCarran Airport, sightseeing, or enjoying a luxurious night on the town, being chauffeured doesn’t mean that you’ll never be in an accident. In fact, riding in a limousine, tour ...
What is Equitable Division of Marital Property?
By Mary Jackson · 7 years ago
Once a divorce is in the process you and your spouse with or without the assistance of your divorce attorneys, have the ability to split the property owned by you both. If you do not ...
Purchasing a Business in the UK
By Gemma Trencher · 7 years ago
The decision to purchase an established business should never be taken lightly. It is important for any individual involved in the process to be aware from the outset, the extent of work which will be ...
Sale of Immovable Property in Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 7 years ago
Land is considered as one of the most valuable commodities, so its value is steadily increasing. Moreover, land investment is interrelated with high social and economic status, as well as, with financial stability and progress. ...
Motorcycle Accidents In Cyprus: No Win No Fee Service
By Michael Chambers · 7 years ago
Riding a motorcycle embraces freedom and a considerable range of risks. For instance, motorcyclists are more likely to die or be seriously injured in a crash than car drivers. According to the Traffic Department of ...
Evidence Law In Cyprus
By Michael Chambers · 7 years ago
The evidence law refers to the rules and legal principles that define the proof of facts in a legal proceeding. As the available evidence shapes the judge’s decision, the evidence law indicates what evidence should ...
Consideration in UK Contract Law
By Gemma Trencher · 7 years ago
The general rule in English law is that a promise will not be legally binding unless made in a deed, or supported by some form of consideration. If no deed is present, then for a ...
Cyprus Citizenship by Investment: Revised Criteria
By Michael Chambers · 7 years ago
The Cyprus government launched the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment Programme in order to give incentives to foreign investors and business people to implement their business and investment plans in Cyprus. Precisely, the particular programme grants ...