Restore America Plan (RAP or TRAP) Update June 16, 2010


  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published August 16, 2010
  • Word count 1,399

Executive Summary – We get contacted by Restore America Plan people frequently. These people are sometimes just members, sometimes grand jurors and sometimes even higher ups. We have always wished RAP would not fail. Now we have been provided with an explanation as to why it has not yet taken hold at this point in time. It is very encouraging but still no hard evidence of military support but very encouraging. The explanation holds water quite well so we felt it is necessary to put this up and so to speak cheer RAP on. We want it to work.

The RAP Explanation – This is the result of things we have been told informally.

Sam Kennedy, one of the Guardian Elders, was a wild card to the military. He was off the reservation. I can attest to this. I was listening to his radio show when he released the orders/declarations that he himself had written all by himself. The other elders had no input or control over him and these orders. He read them during his radio show which he since cancelled. He even went so far as to modify these orders on the fly during the show saying the changes were cast in cement and we the listeners were the first to ever hear them. Ok these things were done openly, no secret here.

Next, this got the military scared. Easy to understand. They saw the RAP people as being out of control or not using orderly processes. They wanted Sam Kennedy out. Turner and the other elders cut him off and began working without him. Kennedy missing the point here and attacked Turner as being unfair etc instead of repenting for being off the reservation like that. I listened to Kennedy rant and rave for two hours about this on his radio show. Folks this is called divide and feat, not good. Kennedy then started turning the grand jurors away from Turner and the elders and got them to hook up with him on a path to nowhere as it was explained to me. This sadly left many grand juror positions vacant.

Now the idea was to have the grand jury return presentments and the military would recognize the de jeure grand juries as valid and honor the presentments and enforce them. Basically this would vacate the de facto government and get the country back to being a constitutional republic in theory and practice. Last week the grand jury vacancies have been filled and the military is prepared to carry out orders (presentments) from the de jeur grand juries. I believe some brief training for the new grand jury members may be in process (could be completed) and then they will seat and return presentments. They may have already been seated and the process can be underway.

Constitutionally speaking grand juries are to conduct themselves in secret, so we must abide by the wisdom of the drafters of the constitution and let them carry on undisturbed in secret. Best thing is to follow the constitution which worked once and will work again. The grand jury presentments will not be secret and all will see them. In passing when a prosecutor goes to a grand jury he seeks an indictment. When the people go to the grand jury they seek a presentment. The grand jury can return a finding (yes, bring charges in a court for a trail) or a no finding (drop it, nothing there).

The de jeure grand jury can see witness, documents, go off on their own paths of investigation etc. The judge and the prosecutor do not control them in the constitutional republic. The judge lawfully cannot break them up or send them home. The way the republic was set up was to have grand juries able to prosecute the government officials and private industry for violating the constitution specifically and violating laws in general. This was the fourth branch of government. Anyone could approach the grand jury and ask them to look into a matter, not just the prosecutor. In 1946 the Federal Rules of Court stopped anyone but the prosecutor from using the Grand Jury. The schools had decades earlier stopped teaching about constitutional grand juries.

There is a term "Petit Jury" which is a regular jury as in a ordinary case in a regular court. If the prosecutor is the only one to be able to use the grand jury then the government can continue in its violation of the constitution freely. So the whole grand jury process has been perverted by the de facto government and RAP has restored it. Stop right here and dwell on this for a moment. RAP let the cat out of the bag big time with the de jeur grand jury process. Many now know about this, thanks to RAP. Of course the de facto government will not recognize the lawful and constitutional grand juries so thus the military support is needed. The military is under obligation to protect the constitution and the people from enemies within and without. There is still time for that wonderful July 4th celebration without the de facto government in place.

Summary – The explanation is logical and fits together very nicely, too nicely to not be real. We have to wait and see what happens next. It would be stupid for Turner to do this if it was not real. Turner is not stupid. It is not a shill operation by the government because the declarations to the Governors were served with were just too darn accurate and potentially damaging it they got around. They would never do anything like this. The tea party is what the government wants since it leave the sacred cows like the federal reserve, IRS, courts, prisons etc alone. The governments on all levels are still functioning as if all is normal but let us watch closely and be patient. RAP is rolling.

Obama, RAP & the Oil Spill – The con man Barry Sotero has hit his waterloo. The oil spill is more than the Kenyan can handle. He is doing nothing. Maybe he sees RAP as real and knows his time is short and wants to give the RAP people as much of a mess as possible so they have a greater chance of failing. The de facto government would want RAP to fail if they ever took over and do not ever forget this. They understand what it is to be around to play again another day. All is not won forever if RAP takes over. We must keep the Republic free and secure from them who will look for opportunities to take it back.

The best way for them to take it back is to cause catastrophe, economic collapse, civil unrest etc. They will have sleeper agents in play to try to do this. They will rally those who have been living off the government (tax consumers, not payers) to stir up discontent in those wanting a free handout. The oil spill could also be a trigger for the military to get moving with RAP thinking time is short (it is). This oil spill is a major big time disaster for people, land, wildlife, coral reefs, oceans etc. The Kenyan may destroy much of the country with intent or out of idiocy. If the military supports RAP and things do not go well then the military will have to stand trial in the de facto military courts, doom and gloom. I would expect them to be hesitant and Kennedy flying out of control got them understandably scared. Then on the other side the oil spill probably got their muster up which it should. So we wait and watch at the ready to be free and live in a Republic again.

I would like to close with a Bible Passage regarding Pseudo President Barrack Obama

Psalm 109:8 (King James Version)

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office"

And of course another Bible Verse for Tim Turner, the Guardian Elders and Rap in General:

Psalm 125:3 (King James Version)

"For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity."

My Note - Their reign of evil has a limit and we think it has reached this limit now.

Let us all be encouraged and let RAP work.

Aurelia Masterson writes for

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