Who in the Police State Gets Extralegal Exemptions?

News & SocietyPolitics

  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published July 21, 2009
  • Word count 2,298

Executive Summary – The purpose of this article is to show you the special privileges certain people and their spouses and children have in the USA with a special emphasis on those in law enforcement and politics. This is how the police state grooms law enforcement to step into the role of a police state with all its associated lawlessness and brutality. These people are basically immune from traffic law enforcement, vehicle codes, and other minor and not so minor violations of the law.

In police states it is common to extend these privileges to the groups of people listed below. As the police state grows into its fullness the paranoia on the part of the leaders grows and they begin policing the police and government officials with extreme vigor and prejudice. The internal affairs police become all-powerful. Hitler referred to them as the Gestapo. They ruined careers and terrorized ordinary police. Government officials and the military. As they eliminate the private ownership of guns, freedom of movement, international travel etc then their threat risk assessment of those in power, shifts to those with the guns and in control of various aspects of governing the people. Then the police state evolves into a full-fledged paranoid madhouse, which is the path they all seem to go down. The leaders know they are criminals violating the laws of the land. They know the people hate them with a passion. They generally leave the country in shambles. They fear execution and an overthrow every minute of every day. They have no peace. They do not eat or sleep well. Their health deteriorates. The leaders sleep in different houses each night, bodyguards sleep in their bedrooms, alcoholism and drug use with the leaders becomes widespread, insomnia is common, persecution fantasies abound, trials for treason, sedition, espionage with summary executions abound amongst the ranks of the police, military and government officials.

The law enforcement and low-level government officials get sucked into serving these police states by the government extending certain privileges to them, often not formally codified but just put into practice. They often pay these police out of proportion wages not in sync with the state of the economy. Today there are tens of thousands of police and corrections officers making over $100,000 a year who never attended college. Federal law enforcement agents can easily hit $140,000 a year. Then comes their early retirement, medical, dental, vacations and so forth. The police state wants them happy and proud to have these jobs. The police state is teaching them the advantages to turning a blind eye towards all the injustices. They get used to using the taser and pepper spray on anyone who talks back to them. They get to carry weapons practically anywhere and in some cases even on airplanes. People get long prison sentences for victimless crimes (all they did was break a statue no identifiable persons were victims). They become a tool of the elite and thus acquire certain privileges.

Who Are the People Granted Official and Unofficial Exemptions from Laws –

City and State Police Officers

County Sheriffs

Correction Officers, City, County, State, and Federal

Parole Officers, City, County, State, and Federal

Probation Officers, City, County, State, and Federal

State Troopers

Highway Patrol

Animal Enforcement Officers

Alcoholic Beverage Police

Weights and Measures Police

Lottery Police

Labor Police

Child and Family Services Police

Tax Collection Police City, County, State, and Federal

Building Inspectors

Food Inspectors

Health Inspectors

Traffic Enforcement Officers

Federal Law Enforcement Agents – There are over 100 such agencies

City and County Commissioners

Mayors and Deputy Mayors

City, County, State and Federal members of legislatures

Judges on all levels

Governors and Deputy Governors

Attorney Generals

District Attorneys

Prosecutors called by other titles

Ambulance Drivers



Animal Control Officers

Court Clerks

To the above you could add in the spouses, children and parents of these people to who various exemptions from the law are also granted informally as a professional courtesy. So as you can see the so-called Thin Blue Line is a lot wider than what one might think. Traffic Enforcement Police will tell you that a tremendous amount of those they stop are part of this list.

The protocol is that the person stopped in a traffic stop presents themselves as one of the privileged few before they show any driver license or registration. If one presents the driver license and registration to the officer they generally will just take it to the cruiser and check their status and then return with a ticket written out. The idea is to explain who you are with or without documentation before the license is shown so it never gets to the ticket stage. There are no bulletproof rules as to one cop not giving another cop a ticket. Generally it is not done. Police departments do get into ticket wars with other cops and start handing out tickets to members of other departments freely.

Usually the high-ranking officials settle this quickly before someone gets arrested. Police will often ask a federal agent if they are working when stopped. Federal agents say yes because they are on 24/7. They generally are let go. Sometimes they get a ticket and then they have their office phone the traffic court and have the judge cancel it. The general rule is that these privileged few look out for each other. If the offense is bad and will result in a big investigation only the very highest of the privileged can expect to get the extra-legal assistance and this can and has extended all the way up to murder.

What Are the Types of Exemptions Offered to these people:

Traffic – These people even have courtesy badges and ID cards that they give to friends and relatives so that other police will not give them traffic tickets. There are probably one million such people running around in the USA. This explains the people who speed incessantly and run red lights and make illegal turns you see all the time and wonder about. They are exempt from citations, not like you. Just discuss this with any law enforcement officer or ex law enforcement officer, who trusts you, to see that it is true. Remember these privileged violators also get good driver rates when they are not really good drivers.

Drunk Driving – This is not always covered but often is. Depends on how drunk they are, where and who they are. They often will have another officer take the car to a safe place and drive the person home so as to keep them off the road. They would rarely just tell the person it’s okay continue driving dead drunk even if it is a judge. Drunken judges are common, as are police officers and legislators. This is a sensitive one but the police will usually try not to cite and arrest the privileged. If it is one of their own and he is not safe to drive they will often call the supervisor of the officer to come get him. This way the department informally knows he is drinking and riving but they avoid exposing one of their own to the justice system that applies to regular people. This is often done as well for bad traffic violations like going 130 mph in a corvette. His supervisor knows about it but the officer is spared the consequences of the law. Hmmm can someone say get out of jail free card.

Traffic Accidents – Here is a courtesy not known by many. The police throw the accident report in favor of the privileged one. The other driver gets a ticket and their insurance rates suffer. The other party has no idea this is going on until he reads the accident report. How many would ever think to investigate the other party to see if they are a police officer and few would complain to the internal affairs department of the law enforcement agency involved.

Truck Driving – A lot of police officers drive over the road trucks off duty. They do not generally have to follow the rules like regular truck drivers. This enables them to make more money than regular drivers. They can exceed weight limits, drive excessive hours, have messed up logbooks, equipment violations etc. A little known but all too common occurrence. Ever see a truck driver barreling down on you speeding like crazy and not caring about getting caught. Now you know why.

Fights – The police will rarely ever arrest one of the privileged if a regular fight broke out over an argument even if they were drunk. If someone is seriously hurt or killed then it tends to go more by the book, but not always. Sometimes they might complain to the cops’ supervisor.

Drugs – One of the privileged caught with personal quantities of drugs would normally get out of it with being arrested. They might not even have the drugs confiscated.

Searches of Vehicles – The privileged are pretty much search free. This means they can carry drugs, illegal weapons, and open alcohol containers without much worry.

Expired License Tags, Driver Licenses etc – This sort of thing is generally overlooked.

Loud Parties – These complaints tend to be played down for the privileged. The police come and say it was phoned in. If the person has a lot of juice the police will not respond to any more disturbance calls at that address. If they do not have a lot of juice they will be told to tone it down nicely so they do not have to come back.

Threatening Violent Harm on People – The privileged can threaten those who get in their way with little fear of retaliation from law enforcement.

Domestic Violence – The privileged few can often get away with this. Depends a lot on who they are and what they did. Doom and gloom on their spouses.

Building Code Violations – The privileged can often get away with a lot here. They just build. The inspectors will look the other way when it comes to those that can retaliate against them.

Alcoholic Beverage Violations – The privileged can serve minors, open after hours; break maximum occupancy codes, etc. with no consequences.

Fire Code Violations – The privileged can generally get extreme leniency from the fire department on enforcing violations.

Special Jobs – The law enforcement people can get high paying jobs off duty that they are not supposed to have in many instances. A lot of these opportunities open up to the retired law enforcement people since it is known that the courtesies will still be extended to those retired. Some of these are:

Bar Bouncers (the police report will almost always show them always innocent)

Security Guards (special gun privileges are valuable to the rich and famous)

Body Guards (They can speed and drive illegally for their wealthy clients)

Private Detectives (they get private information easily like unlisted phones, addresses)

Summary – This should open your eyes to some of the lower level corruption going on which no one even talks about stopping. Those that can stop it are the partakers. This gives them an elitist mentally. They think the law only applies to the regular people not them. They soon stop caring about the constitution and civil rights since they have plenty of rights; it’s the other people who lose their rights. As the police state rolls on, police brutality and violence continues unchecked. Police are allowed to kill for just about any reason. Their arrogance reaches a sickening level.

The police and the privileged further disassociate from identifying with the common folk. The police state wants the police and privileged to not identify with "We the People" so they can accomplish their agenda. When the people have no guns, no travel privileges, no rights to a fair and speedy trial by their peers, no freedom of speech and expression, can no longer gather in an orderly fashion, the constitution becomes a historical document at best, then the police state is in its fullness as the rules change.

In the final stage of the police state before it falls apart like they always do, the leaders feel threatened by the police and turn on them with a paranoid eye. They will have set up internal police control forces and an super elite group of paramilitary police that would be the only ones trusted and their powers would be extremely broad. They would be focused on enemies of the state only, leaving routine law enforcement for the police forces. The police reap what they sow before it is over and it falls apart. Right now they are in the dark and are too busy enjoying their riot gear, tasers, full automatic weapons, exercising extra constitutional powers over the people to really take the time to understand where it is heading. Like the people they generally wake up when it is too late.

Idea – Try to get the gun control people after these abuses of justice. Their energy would be better spent this way. Write letters to the anti-gun legislators suggesting they can get a lot of publicity and votes by leading a campaign after these injustices. Use their greed for power and votes against the evil system. You’d be shocked at how easy this is to effect.

Also try diverting the high tax legislators into this arena. Remind them that scandals lead to public hearing and make for excellent publicity. Think of it – you are on CNN cleaning up the ranks of the judicial system. It will work but you will only be changing one lousy politician for another lousy politician. You will be rocking the apple cart and apples will fall off. Set your mind to have fun and enjoy yourself. Divide and defeat is the tactics they use on "We the People" so use it back on them.

Aurelia Masterson is an associate of Panama Legal law firm (http://www.panamalaw.org). She has years of experience in the field and now shares her observations of current events, politics, and law with the Internet community. She can be contacted at: aurelia@panamalaw.org.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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