Obama Birther Case Moves Forward for January 2010

News & SocietyPolitics

  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published December 27, 2009
  • Word count 2,214

Executive Summary – Obama now quaking in his $600 shoes has a case in Federal Court in California regarding his eligibility to be President. He is probably walking around the White House wondering how much longer. He is wondering if he is going to go to jail. Can he just resign?

Don’t let people tell you this is a racial thing, it is not. Tell them if you do not call Obama white, you will not call him black. He had the Justice Department lawyers at taxpayers expense try to get the case dismissed but the judge felt their arguments were not valid. Obama did this instead of producing his birth certificate. He is like the guy who robs a 7-11 and they have him on videotape holding the gun and he says no that isn’t me.

The reason this Obama has had no major accomplishments before he got into the White House is his lack of cognitive ability. He actually thought he was going to get away with this. Someone this dumb is dangerous. The lawyer chasing Obama has a list of many social security numbers Obama has used. There are passport records showing him traveling on other passports thus establishing his foreign citizenship.

They have made a request for Obama to produce documents before the trial on Jan. 26, 2010. Don’t hold your breath and wait for Obama to produce the documents and do not hold your breath for the trial to start either.

Discussion – The order denying the motion to dismiss the Orly Taitz case came out on Friday Oct 23. This same day Obama signed the emergency act on the flu vaccines. Obama is sending a strong signal and that signal is before he gets embarrassed and sent to jail penniless he will shut the country down with his emergency powers as in martial law. He is probably bluffing.

His handlers are probably not going to consider that much of an asset and will abandon him before they go this far. They might very well lose all if they try a premature jump into martial law when the country is so mad at the government. Lose all means they will become fugitives hunted around the world and not be able to come to the USA ever again. This is assuming they escape. They do not have that much time and money in Obama. He is going to have to take one for the team is how it looks to me.

Obama Methodology – There have been many megalomaniacal rulers before Obama. He did not write the book, he read the book written by others. Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" easily found on the web will give some insight. The "Communist Manifesto" is another. Obama is going after a crisis and then another crisis and then another etc. All the while he grabs more power after each crisis. The Flu vaccine was a lousy crisis but this is indicative of the people who put him in power in that Obama was a lousy choice.

The flu vaccine is controversial. Many people will refuse it. Will they quarantine and put people in FEMA camps? I doubt it, not enough camps and this could be a revolution trigger similar to martial law. I mean Johnny Grab Your Gun type revolution. The government is trying to convince the people that they should go along with them because it is for the good of all.

This government has zero chance of getting the trust of a consensus of their population. Any excuse to put people in any sort of camp will likely result in massive widespread civil disobedience and an organizing of the people against the government. Remember if the people having all these guns did not matter they would not be so dead bent on taking the guns away.

Fear Tactics – The government wants you afraid of them. They want you to think their power is way more broad and vast than it is. This is called bluffing. They are afraid of the American people big time. Their military are patriots and are not going to go around exterminating the population because they were told to. Clinton when President spent a good deal of his time and energy trying to get the guns away from the American people. Bush sort of backed off on this instead destroyed the country economically and grabbed power with emergency acts. He also did 9/11. Not a friend of the people but his approach was one of laying groundwork. He let the people think he was pro gun so they would not see him coming as he really is.

Obama lacking the polish is going straight for the guns fast and hard relentlessly. See the point is he is afraid of the people who have guns. Judge him by his actions, never judge him by what comes out of his mouth. He wants you to listen to his words and not evaluate him by his actions alone. He is an accomplished and dedicated liar. The government will never let on that they are afraid because if they did then the people would start threatening them to give up control and follow the constitution. They will keep the game face on and continue violating civil rights. They will pump up their law enforcement on all levels to push the people around more and more with no consequences.

The culmination of this is that they will eventually let the police shoot and kill people for almost any reason on the scene. Now they use tasers, tomorrow they will use real bullets. This is what the Gestapo did. There will also be interrogations by law enforcement agencies in the USA with torture tactics. Police will be told this is for the overall good of the nation. The constitution and bill of rights are historical only at this point and they are conditioning the people for more harsh dictatorial controls. The government is bluffing the people and just like they made a mistake with Obama they are making a mistake with "We the People". It is almost as if they know they are going to lose yet plodding on anyway.

Obama’s Next Moves – Well he is in a real mess. If he cooperates with the Federal Court he will be exposed. Then comes expulsion from office, criminal charges against him, his wife, Nancy Pelosi and others in the conspiracy. If it is up to Obama and his conspirators they will go down fighting to stay out of jail. I think if that is how he wants to play it so be it, he will still lose.

The military is very suspicious of this black Muslim communist Kenyan minus the birth certificate and will probably not rally to his cause. What Hitler did was create the SS, which was basically an army to protect him from the regular army. They had artillery and other heavy war equipment to deter any sort of military uprising against Hitler who was getting millions of Germans killed as he went down fighting to the end destroying his country on many levels leaving half of the survivors to finish life under Soviet communism. Hitler also had the Gestapo but they were not a serious military organization, just a tough secret police with a lot of power to terrorize.

Police type organizations cannot withstand large-scale attacks from a military or even a public uprising. The point is Obama has not had a chance to cement himself into office militaristically. The German military tried numerous times to kill Hitler and came very close more than once.

It seems doubtful that the Vice President could be elevated into the office since he would be complicit. If they try to put the runner up McCain into office more trouble. McCain has birth certificate problems too. So curious that both of the mainline candidates have questionable birth certificates, makes one wonder if there is more to this. He is an American Citizen all right but he says he was born in some hospital, which may not in fact have ever existed.

The idea was he is trying to say he was born in Panama on USA soil (in Panama). The place he says where he was born is dubious and may not be in the Canal Zone thus not USA soil. In any case being born anywhere in Panama (before 2000) may work for being a citizen but not for being the President. This will come out and to me on first cut it seems he is not eligible to be President but this would take more time and study. I doubt the elites would want to go through with McCain since the country is geared up for this sort of an election fraud.

A recent survey showed 3 out of 10 adults doubt Obama is an American. That is a lot. So it looks like a new election if they get Obama out. Bush left a sour taste in many mouths and forget the democrats recovering from this Obama thing so that brings us to Ron Paul who may be the real deal. This sort of backpedaling by the power elite may be what they need to calm the people down.

States are talking secession and passing states right legislation. The people running the fed may be deciding to back down and regroup. They will not back off, just come back again down the road from a different angle. The Obama machine may go. The Federal Reserve and IRS may go. There may be a cutting back on the power of the Fed. Then they will still be around to play again another day when the people go to sleep again. This of course would mean the country makes an economic recovery. There would be an asset-based money supply. There would be sensible protectionist import duties. Open immigration would be historical. The drug war would be over with legalization. Illegal immigrants would be a thing of the past. Government would be downsized a lot. Freedom would be there again. The people being supported by the government would suffer big time but they had it so good for so long the posture will be so what.

Obama’s Best Move – A war with Iran. This will be able to keep him from going to court. Wartime emergency etc. The war will likely go on for a long time. Police powers will be enhanced. Maybe some real terrorism on behalf of the Iranians to provide an alibi for the police power expansion or if this is lacking some false flag terrorism. This will get the people to support the government in their war effort. It will get the people to believe the police state is for their good. The military industrial complex makes lots of money, the debt soars, the country goes into further financial oblivion, hyperinflation and so forth. This gives Obama more of a crisis to manage and grab power nationalizing businesses, banking system etc. He may be able to get the people to buy into this police state at war scenario.

Problem is the blowback from Iran can be devastating. The other powers in the world will get very nervous about Obama. They know he has an eligibility problem, rest assured they know this. They are not going to like this sort of selfish game playing and may decide they better unify against the USA. The first attack will be on the USD. Next will be trade and tourism. This will be ugly but they a re not going to just around and let Obama and his sinking ship risk World War III. The other problem is Iran can launch some real terrorism on the USA at home and abroad, big time. This will be a real problem for the Muslims in the USA. They might be able to suicide bomb innocent men, women and children in other countries but try this inside of a country that has more guns owned by civilians than people and doom and gloom on the Muslims. They might ask for internment camps to be kept safe from the citizens who will see this as an act of war and retaliate voraciously. Then there will be backlash from other Muslim nations but this should not have any military significance.

What to do? – Make as many people aware as possible of Obama not being eligible to hold the office of President. This is the best thing you can do for real change. You do not get to be a Federal Judge because you are an idiot. The judge sees merit in the case or else he would have dismissed it. Don’t let the imposter get away with it. Remember if he goes every piece of legislation he signed is void including the ridiculous financial bailout. All of these nationalizing of businesses can be nullified. Then comes the audit the Federal Reserve and its abolishment. The debt can be nullified. The IRS is over. You can basically turn the clock back 100 years regarding your freedoms. Beat the drum on Obama not being eligible and you might just get your freedom back. It looks like they made a mistake and hold their feet to the fire like they do to you.


Aurelia Masterson writes for http://www.panamalaw.org

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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