Will the USA Break Up in 2010?


  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published February 6, 2010
  • Word count 1,980

Introduction – Here we will discuss the US breaking up in 2010 or shortly there after as some are predicting.

New World Order – The USA is a threat to the New World Order (NWO). The USA can be isolationist and go it along without Europe and the other NWO players. The USA has more agriculture that it knows what to do with if it desires to uses all of its capabilities. The USA has massive military capabilities. There are fantastic manufacturing capabilities. There is oil and fuel. There are millions of highly skilled educated people. The USA has a lot of freedom craving people who own guns and will fight to be free. If the people desiring freedom get control of the USA kiss the NOW goodbye. Let us look at what the NWO people have done and are doing to keep America down and to actually encourage its demise in a controlled planned way so they can push forward with the NOW which will guarantee them a nobility type position forever that will pass to their descendants. Nobility called by any other name is their goal. They want to eliminate any competition in the form of other countries to further ensure their continued reign. Other countries pose a risk of war and losing power so they want just one big country that they control. Good for them, bad for everyone else. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Obama – This would be one of the actual worst choices for a President unless you wanted things to come apart at the seams. The guy strongly hints at being a Muslim yet wages aggressive wars against Muslims. This of course infuriates the Muslims and gets breaks the morale of the USA troops, veterans and patriots. He is a racist and so is his wife. Just study their remarks. He is anti-Semitic in his comments and some of his actions yet grants Israel aid to the tune of over 2 billion dollars. Granted in past would be 3-5 billion dollars but he may be doing it in pieces. He is the worst thing for the economy since the Federal Reserve Bank. He is saying he is going to spend his way out of a recession, which is like saying you can put a fire out with kerosene. He is wrecking private industry, trying to ruin the healthcare system, has ridiculous policies on immigration, is greatly in favor of the police state and is anti-gun. He is inexperienced. He has no accomplishments under his belt. He is not constitutionally qualified to be President by nature of his birth and has sealed all his records. He got a Nobel Peace Prize for no reason (big joke). In short Obama is the perfect storm if you want a revolution. A good old-fashioned Patrick Henry Revolution will destroy the USA and see to it that it is no longer a threat to the NWO, or so these psychopaths think.

Gun Control – Charleston Heston the former leader of the NRA said "Out of my cold dead hands" referencing how he would fight against gun control advocates taking his guns away. This the NWO guys understand. They know gun owners cherish their guns and are a big serious threat. If the constitutionalists got control over the USA they would break numerous treaties, go to a hard currency, establish law and order, close the borders, do many things to encourage free enterprise and of course nullify the federal debt as illegal depriving them of their revenue so deceptively gained. They would never station troops offshore. They would drop out of the UN. They would have a lot less to do with other countries and in the early years go to protectionist import taxes. Protectionist taxes violates everything the NOW order stands for and is the reason why Wal-Mart grew at the expense of many thousands of small businesses. The guns are the path to something like this and they do not want this. So they try in vain to confiscate the guns. They try everything they can think of to get the people voluntarily to turn over their guns for confiscation, of course registration precedes confiscation. If they do not get the guns and revolution breaks out they can very well lose. Bush bought thousands of acres of land in Paraguay for a reason and that reason was they needed a place to go if revolution broke out.

Jobs Lost – One way to bust out the country is to cause industry to suffer and jobs to be lost. They have done an exemplary job here. When jobs are lost savings diminish and people lose their health care and homes. It is working. Many people without health care probably over 50 million and the ranks of the homeless and bankrupt are rising at alarming rates. People are not happy.

Subtle Attacks – The NOW guys have found ways to attack the constitutionalists in many ways most of them do not understand. The new health care system is one way. They intend to cut off treatment that is expensive if a reversal of the disease is not highly likely. The effect is go home and die. Another method is Genetically Modified Food. This is actually a form of warfare. The seeds from GMO food will yield sterile seeds that will not grow so you have to go to them and buy more seeds. The other way is you need to buy a certain weed killer or fertilizer from them (Monsanto or Dow you know the napalm guys) to get the crop to grow form the seeds. Their GMO seeds and crops taint the normal crops by cross-pollinating. This is probably some insidious plan to starve out any country that does not obey including a post-revolutionary USA. Hitler, Stalin, Caesar, Attila etc never went this far. Most of the pro gun constitutionalists that scream audit the Fed are barely aware of the attacks on their food supply and health care.

Why the NWO Wants a Revolution – They will then have an excuse for martial law and will bring in mercenaries from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe. Hurricane Katrina with Blackwater mercenaries being given police powers was the test for this. It is felt that this sort of mercenary will fire on Americans while the US military may not or at least be very reluctant to do so. In the early stages it will be relatively mild and then escalate to widespread use of helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles. The NWO guy’s think they will prevail but are still scared enough to try and get the guns confiscated. Sooner or later they will bite the bullet and it will start. They are taking away jobs, health care, houses, credit, freedoms and now food. They are also raising taxes. They want the kettle to boil over. Obama is a real easy guy to hate. He is not a leader. He has no idea what he is doing. He dresses well, slings lies well on TV and is a disposable asset of the NWO. Think of him as a front man employee of the NWO. He has no real power or say in anything. He is protected well by the Secret Service but who protects Obama from the Secret Service? See how it works. He is a puppet on a string that has to listen to his handlers. When they have martial law they can try to confiscate the guns and smash the country with an iron fist. This would remove the USA form being a threat to the NOW in the future. They will never get it their way. They never get anything right.

Mercenaries - Foreign mercenaries will not know the lay of the land nor the language or culture. They will quake in their boots the first time a civilian sniper with a deer rifle terrorizes their battalion. An average Remington deer rifle will out shoot any assault rifle they have at distances of over 300 yards. The snipers will demoralize them rapidly. They will take out them and their vehicles, their generators, water supplies, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, radios, security lights, cameras, alarms and other security devices. These guys will freak out when they realize what they are up against. They will be very fearful when going into towns and cities to socialize. They will have to do this undercover. They will be shunned socially and will need to go about armed heavily with body armor. The constitutionalists are not going after them with rusted out pot metal Saturday night specials. Many of them have .50 caliber rifles with state of the art night optics and distance scopes shooting armor piercing rounds. This is not some displaced crowd in New Orleans with beer bottles. Most of the effort early on will be lone wolves or very small groups engaging the targets. They will be educated on isolating appropriate targets. Whoops they ain’t used to that sort of guerilla. They will not have the resolve to break the citizens. They are financially rewarded only and getting killed has no price tag. They will be forced to finish their contracts being told they cannot leave early. They will then become ruthless with raping, plundering, home invasion, and torture following. This will turn more people into guerillas and there are more than enough guns and bullets to equip any motivated citizen in the USA. The police forces of the USA will quickly become disenchanted. They will be at risk from the mercenaries too who will be very hard to control by anything other than a military force. The people will shun the police and their families. Many will become disaffected and many will defect to the revolution. The last thing the police are going to do is heroics in an open revolution. They would be open to retaliation and their families as well.

Let’s Say There is a Revolution in USA and NWO Loses – Ok so what is what they will say. The USA will be busted out. Different factions will develop. The country will be divided. The NWO guys will probably take and sell the nukes early on before capture or dismantle them removing vital components. This would not be their first choice but they could deal with this. The new smaller states could be tempted into treaties with the NOW countries, or more subtle forms of pressure could be applied like embargoes, blockades, travel restrictions etc. Their idea is to dismantle the USA enough so it never becomes a threat to them and there is more than one way to get there.

What if USA Constitutionalist Movement Takes Over through Elections – Then it would be good and the USA is a free country again and they lose. Do you think they will allow states rights or an honest series of elections to do this? Guess again. The media is them. The courts are theirs. The choice as to who runs for office is theirs. Remember how Ron Paul did not get major network debate time. The elected candidates routinely go back on their campaign pledges and do whatever they want. Getting the USA back through elections is a dream only, never happen. Those that tell you this are probably government shills. It is the best way but also the least likely to succeed. Most of the people who are aware of the Federal Reserve, gun control and other issues still have not realized that this is not going to happen. After every election for at least the last 40 years things consistently got worse with no exceptions except of some side issues. Most people are afraid to admit that the election process has already been corrupted too much. If it wasn’t this way it never would have gotten this far with them wiping their feet all over the constitution at will. Enjoy the show.


Aurelia Masterson writes for http://www.panamalaw.org

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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