Collapse of the USD Perfect Storm Brewing – 02/2010


  • Author Aurelia Masterson
  • Published April 18, 2010
  • Word count 4,797

Executive Summary – It is all there to see, you just need to open your eyes to see it. The stock market is artificially being held up by the USA government and the investment bankers with unlimited money from the Federal Reserve. This is helping to bolster the dollar up higher than where it should be. They are saying the USA is going into recovery, which is ridiculous since there are no new productive jobs being created.

China has directed its banks to no longer buy private bonds including city and state bonds from the USA. They only want them buying US Government insured instruments like treasuries. This will increase demand for treasuries and drive up the US dollar. It will also serve to hurt the private sector and this can affect the bond market for non-Fed backed instruments. This may drive the stock market down some as well. The stock market can go down and the USD go up at the same time. The investment bankers are making record profits. Bailouts and other programs are helping. The banks are being bailed out and refusing to loan money. The credit card companies are raising interest rates and cutting back on lines of credit. The perfect storm is brewing.

The Perfect Storm –

  1. China has had it with the USD. This they have stated this openly. The cold war with China is in a deep freeze mode. The US has missiles in Taiwan pointed at China and is wanting to provide further arms to Taiwan. Obama refuses to stop running the printing presses and continues to dilute the US money supply shamelessly. China is driving the dollar up because they are going into a USD dumping phase. They are going to discreetly but steadily convert the USD they have in reserve to assets, any kind of hard assets. Office Buildings, Ports, Mines, Reservoirs, Airports, Gold, Hotels, Auto Manufacturers, etc. The challenge for China is to keep the value of the USD as high as possible while they dump the USD. They know there is going to be some dropping of the USD while they exchange dollars for hard assets so they chose to drive the dollar up first so as to get a head start. A high dollar makes exports hard for the USA and tourism suffers. This means the economy will get worse in the USA. The high dollar will also deter foreign investments in the USA.

  2. The big investment banker houses know these things. They have exploited the corrupt system so as to milk it hard because it is coming to an end. They will convert these dollars they have recently "earned" into other currencies and hard assets like China is doing. Their financial dealings are almost impossible to track or monitor. They know the ship is sinking and are adjusting for it thus the wild profit taking. They want as many dollars as they can get now while people still accept them. Then they too will discreetly convert into stronger currencies after pushing them down for a good buy in window. They will also buy hard assets but to a much lesser extent than China. These guys can conceal currency and financial instrument purchases far better than they can conceal hard asset purchases.

  3. The USA banks are not lending. They know that hyperinflation is around the corner. They are not loaning money against assets that may be acquired soon for a fraction of its present day value. They are trying to survive and at the same time are waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is why Obama has not insisted on the banks loaning the bail out money to move the economy. Every month more and more houses go into foreclosure, more cars go into repossession, and more people go bankrupt. This is part of their plan or else you would not see it taking place. The small banks will fail and get closed by the regulators and the large banks will take them over and get their assets for adjusted book value, in other words they will make an obscene profit on the failed assets just like what happens to the foreclosed homes now. The taxpayer gets stuck with the loss. Of course the national debt is so high the taxpayers could never pay it off and they know this. The end is around the corner and the banksters know it. The government is making it profitable for the banks to have foreclosures. This is the plan to take down the US economy. Probably they wish to turn the country into a third world nation which means no more serious middle class just the elite and the workers. To make this work they need to have a police state to silence the malcontents from the middle class and upper class who are now workers.

  4. National Debt. Now the national debt is $12 trillion dollars and growing at the rate of $3.88 billion dollars per day. Each person in the USA owes about $40,000. If you figure this by a family of four that family would owe $160,000. Each working person in the USA owes about $75,000. This figure is constantly growing as the size of the workforce shrinks each month. It is obvious that a family of four cannot pay off the $160,000, not could each worker pay off $75,000. Remember this debt grows monthly as the government continues to go into deficit spending and then add on the interest. To put things in perspective when JFK was President the national debt was $1,635 per person. When Bush senior was President it had gotten up to $17,113. Much higher and probably unmanageable considering a family of four would owe $68,452. It is safe to say this debt is not possible to repay.

  5. The real debt problem is worse. The fed looks at debt on a cash in, cash out basis. When you take into account the borrowing from Medicare and Social Security the debt gets up to about $55 trillion. This makes the debts massive when you use the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAPP) method. This breaks to about $215,000 of debt per person in the USA or $546,000 in debt per American household. China and Japan are the largest foreign holders of US debt. If you read the news you can see how Obama has done quite a lot to get these countries mad at him and the US. Obama has not even attempted to return to anything vaguely resembling sound financial policies.

What Does the Storm Look Like? – Well when the demand for the USD drops then the USD goes down in value. Right now the USA is not creditworthy. The new value of the dollar could be one third, one fifth or even one tenth of its present value. Imagine a $30,000 Chevy now costs $300,000 and your annual wages only went up from $45,000 to $60,000. This is what hyperinflation will be like. Now you know what it is like to be a third world person who cannot afford anything other than food, clothing and shelter. The USA will have to pay for foreign goods in other currencies that are more comforting to the seller. This means the USA will have to convert dollars to foreign currency for purchases.

If the USA tries to keep running the printing presses the other countries will keep dropping the value of the dollar so this is pointless. The USA will have to actually produce valuable goods and services to make it in a global economy. Isolationism is a constitutionalist thing; the US government hates this in that it stands in the way of the one world order. The devalued dollar will cripple the US war machine. They will not be able to afford all the aircraft, naval vessels and soldiers. Foreign military installations will need to run with foreign currency and thus they will be unaffordable for the USA. This is why Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc are so important to the war machine for oil but they have to force these countries to keep taking the USD and they are already pulling away from this in part and will probably not put up with it after the dollar plunges. Remember the USA botches a lot of their foreign affairs schemes and plots.

The drop in the dollar will lead to hyperinflation. This is where a loaf of bread is twenty dollars. A secretary starts to make $195,000 a year and a ticket to go to the movies is $50. Obama living in a make believe world will just go to price freezes and prevent people from having or using foreign currency. See why the war on tax havens is so important to them. If you hold foreign currencies as tax haven banks let you hold, and the dollar drops you can multiply your savings many fold in a brief period of time by buying those dollars back cheap and run around the USA buying real estate for 5 or 10 cents on the dollar. This is for them to do, not you, as they see it.

The price freezes will hurt the manufacturers who could sell the same goods overseas for much more money and pay the workers with cheap dollars. This will require some sort of controls to make getting export licenses hard so only the in crowd gets them. The in crowd will pay garbage wages in the depreciated USD and sell in foreign markets for hard money. The US worker is excellent for high-tech products. They just have to force the workers to work for next to nothing so they can compete with China, Taiwan, and India etc. Starvation, homelessness are good motivators.

Banning private ownership of gold is something done in the past and can be done in the future. Also price fixing of gold is another trick employed in the past when gold was $35 an ounce for many years. This was done through an international treaty by the way called Bretton Woods. Hyperinflation is a horrible thing. It destroys any wealth one has. It also lets one who is holding foreign currency that has not devalued to go into the country and buy up the assets. Then they can pay the workers very cheap wages using the USD and the USA has become a third world country. It is hard to see another outcome as feasible.

Some Background Information – Please remember that the USA has made a lot of major blunders in the last 50 years. Their current day financial manipulations will end as a blunder; they will not accomplish their goals. Let’s look back a bit. The Korean War was not a victory. The Vietnam War was a real farce of a war that cost the USA big. When they saw the Vietnam War almost caused a revolution they floated the USD in 1972 and that was when the downfall of the USA started big time. Yes, they ended the draft by 1973, which killed them to do so since it cut off their war machine manpower.

The way they would compensate for this was to strain the economy to cause more enlistments. When they saw the protests approaching revolutionary levels concerning the Vietnam War what was one of the first things they did? Why the 1968 gun control act. This stopped mail order sales of guns and required gun sales to be registered. Gun registration is nothing more than the events preceding gun confiscation. It used to be cash and carry for gun sales like buying milk. Previous to this act one could own machine guns, mortars, anti-tank rifles, bazookas, etc. They saw a real need to get these sales stopped and/or highly regulated and they did this.

The other thing they did was starting the war on drugs. Agreed there was a lot of drug use at the time and drugs do destroy a country but legalization with education and treatment programs would have been the correct counter measure. What many of you do not know is that during the Korean War many US troops were using drugs courtesy of the enemy. This got the US off guard. In Vietnam drug use by the US troops hit epidemic proportions. This the US did not like at all. Drugged up soldiers are not the right kind of warriors. The US likes to overlook the fact that they gave the troops on patrol in Vietnam anti-fatigue pills routinely. These were speed pills and could keep the troops going for up to three days with little or no sleep. Remember all the civilian deaths, rapes, burned villages etc. Speed makes people somewhat crazy especially after they take it for a few days and combine it with alcohol and marijuana, as was the case in Vietnam.

The other motive was the war on drugs gave the government a lot of extra funding for law enforcement and they started to erode civil rights using the war on drugs as an alibi. The courts in the 1970’s curtailed a lot of these incursions on civil rights. Back then the FBI used to investigate violations of civil rights. Imagine that today! Then they ended the draft and things went along fairly smoothly as they began to choke businesses with regulations and taxes, actually with a vengeance. While they did this they let the monopolies run wild without any restraint and started shipping the jobs overseas. Do not forget all the deregulation of the banks allowing them to grow into the monsters they are today. Yes they saw the destruction of the USA, as people knew it as necessary for the one world order to move in.

One world order means they and their children are in power and unthreatened. Then we had the first Iraq war, which was sort of a small success in that Iraq left Kuwait. The US pulled out of Iraq only to have to go back in some years later and guess what they are still there. Then comes Afghanistan and they are still there too. Sure they run up the borrowing for the Federal Reserve with these wars but they also screw themselves up too and make themselves look bad which means the next country is going to be more prone to resist them. Now they have as a result Iran just about to go nuclear and Iran does not like the USA. See they are goof ups. Don’t overestimate them, and don’t underestimate them either. They tried to take over the world by printing worthless money. It didn’t work. Now we are in the end of America, as we know it phase.

What About How the People Feel About This? – The people are mad. More than just a few have some understanding of the Federal Reserve rip off. As long as they have their cars, their health insurance, their kids go to school, they have their house, and food in the refrigerator they are happy. They do not mind going to work. Most will save money and use credit responsibly. Most are not thieves and will live a moral responsible life treating their neighbors like they want to be treated. Now this is the people we are talking about not the government. Guess what? Now they are losing their jobs, have no healthcare, they are being foreclosed out of their houses, losing their cars, their savings are dwindling and they are hanging on by their fingernails. The only ones relaxed now are the ones employed by the Federal government. The state and city workers are worried about losing their jobs. Sure Obama bought some time with his big mouth promises but he fails to deliver. He has done not one thing to correct the economy. He is an agent of the big bankers who caused the problems and he is carrying out their agenda. Slowly some Obama supporters are waking up. Some never bought into Obama at all. Obama is just the stooge who is to ride the ship down. The problem started many years ago.

The First Big Mistake the USA Government is Making – Their people are very well armed. The people have stockpiled arms and ammo plus other goods related to carrying on a war with their rulers. They have repeatedly failed to get the people to go for gun confiscation. All they ever got was registration and many of the guns are not even registered. They never should have pushed things as far as they did while the population was so well armed. The bomb is sitting there fuse and all waiting for a spark to light the fuse. Once again do not over estimate the government and think they have some secret ominous plan. They usually mess things us.

Second Big Mistake of the USA Government– The Internet. This is going to be their undoing. Too many people use the Internet for information and this has soiled the government image big time. They cannot control the Internet no matter how hard they try. They may need to go to banning it but then the cat would be out of the bag, so this scares them. The pen is mightier than the sword. A lot of people now understand the Federal Reserve ponzi scheme, the constitution and see the government in a bad light. The situation is only getting worse for the government.

Third Big Mistake of the USA Government – The police and military are not all that loyal to the USA government. Some are oath keepers and will not turn on the populace violating their constitutional rights. This could mean military fighting military. Police fighting police. Then we play the race card regarding the military and police turning on each other over race and we can understand why Bush bought thousands of acres of land in Paraguay. Imagine if an aircraft carrier group went oath keeper and the USA took it out for failing to obey orders or something like that. My gosh would the military turn on the government fast over something like that.

The US government is basically trying to hold broken eggs in their hands and things keep slipping through their fingers. Forget the USA bringing in foreign or UN soldiers. The gangs, the constitutionalists, red necks, militias etc would slice and dice foreign troops and then they will have their weapons to use. Such troops could not function in a civil environment with a heavily armed populace having better small arms than them with a skill level to match the weapons. It would also enrage the people to fight on a greater scale and harder looking like a foreign invasion, which is essence, it would be. This is not something to expect. The model would be more like using Blackwater in New Orleans. This would work to some extent but remember Blackwater members have vulnerabilities. They a re not military regulars and would not fight as such. For stopping looters after a hurricane yes they can be effective but not for occupying the USA. If they us a Blackwater model with foreign mercenaries it will look like a foreign invasion and the people will really rally to fight them. Not be regular military they will not hold up.

One Mistake the People Are Making – They have no idea how bloody a revolution will be. Is there going to be a revolution? Numerous experts feel that this is imminent. Law enforcement people say they are just waiting for the trigger. Will it succeed is of course another story. The best the people can hope for in a revolution is martial law, rationing of food, medical, fuel and other essentials. Bank holidays, travel interruptions, closing of commerce, schools etc go with it. Confiscation of firearms will be an issue probably carrying the death penalty administered on the spot by firing squad, a la Hitler. There will need to be a powerful internal security police that uses torture, confiscation of property, cruel detention facilities, etc. Imagine your obnoxious snotty TSA guard who as of late has been given a brass badge, able to come in and ransack your house, strip search your family in private, confiscate whatever he finds and execute you if he finds firearms or other bad contraband on the spot.

Remember in a revolution the elite power holders are fighting for their lives and vast fortunes. These people are ruthless. They will torture civilians ruthlessly to find out who the revolutionaries are. They will want to apprehend their relatives and torture them for information. Notice how they have begun to use torture openly to fight terrorism in recent years. Well if you do not surrender your guns then you are a terrorist. Got it. This is to condition the public to this. Same for Guantanamo prisons. They are getting the soldiers conditioned to using torture. The government realizes a revolution is a distinct and likely possibility. They have had the luxury of analyzing the possibilities and using think tanks to do so. They usually get things wrong. There are too many variables and their stress level will be incredible. Their families and friends will be affected and caught up in the fracas. They will not be able to disassociate. It’s not like burning a village in Vietnam. They will have game plans in general though and are preparing for contingencies. If Bush weren’t worried he wouldn’t have bought thousands of acres of land in Paraguay.

Second Mistake the People Are Making – They do not know how bad it will be when the dollar drops like a rock. There will be riots in the cities. Riots are a way to effect looting. The stores will be ransacked and many will never open again. The residential areas where the people have any money will be turned into armed encampments. They will have armed guards at the gate screening visitors. There will be roving armed guards. Watchdogs will abound. Alarm systems will common but the police will probably not respond. The communities will be fenced in. The standard of living will plummet. In third world countries the middle class is markedly absent. The welfare class is also markedly absent. The welfare class is going to resort to rioting when supplies get tight. When the rioting become nonproductive they will attempt to venture out into other areas, thus the gated enclaves to keep them out. The rioters will form into gangs and take control of their local areas. It will be hard. Police patrols will be afraid to go into many areas.

How The Government Is Preparing - It looks like the TSA guard thing is an experiment in creating a fast, simply trained security force, for simple matters. The 9/11 events are considered an inside job by anyone who studies it a little carefully with an open mind. Just look at the videos on our website. The shoe and underwear bombers are jokes. The TSA was a test to see how they could hire unqualified, uneducated people, train them superficially and then turn them lose on the public with great power but only in a limited area. They need to see the public reaction to them and how the security force itself reacts to all this power. They need to learn how to control them and discipline them. They need to learn how to exert control over the guards going corrupt and renegade on them.

As a control they restricted their use to the airport. At the same time the lower classes (workers) are subject to the neighborhood police acting like Gestapo Agents towards them and if they protest they get the taser right away. Many people die each year from these tasers. The idea is to convince the lower classes that the rights they once had are gone. Dare to protest and get the taser. The upper classes were being told they no longer had any rights but at the airport through the use of the TSA, while the lower classes got the same message through the use and threat of the taser. The ultra rich are sort of immune since they rarely have negative police street encounters and fly on private aircraft thus avoiding the TSA.

The upper class and upper middle class have modern cars without equipment violations; they have current driver licenses, current tags, registration and insurance. It is just a minor annoyance for them to be in compliance. They do not have their insurance cancelled for non-payment and thus their registrations suspended. Thus they do not have to drive to work without current tags and insurance certificates like a lower class person who has to buy food and cannot pay for their insurance. If they get stopped for a moving violation they take the ticket and call their lawyer later.

The airport harassments are there to get the message across to these people that you no longer have any rights so get used to it. Take off your shoes and belt. We can look in your computer and PDA. Now they are scanning them with naked body scanners. The scanners are of no value against material placed in a body cavity. Expect the vagina or rectal bomber to come along any day like the shoe and underwear bomber. Next will be nude strip searches and body cavity examinations. Then the degradation will be complete. People will psychologically feel at the mercy of a government they no longer understand or control. They are beginning to do away with the whole court and jury process using the terrorist detention laws as the test.

Soon this will spread to all those arrested for any offense they say is related to national security. As a result of that fellow who flew a private plane into the IRS building in Austin I expect to see a lot of freedom restrictions hitting the private pilots and private aircraft. This scared the daylights out of a number of federal agents sitting in these glass buildings and they cannot afford to have these federal agents scared right now. They need them thinking the government is not vulnerable. They will do something regarding private planes and private pilots for sure. This will be soft so as to not get the elite too inconvenienced over it. The elite do not want to take of their shoes and belts when boarding planes. Once again if there were so many suicide inclined terrorists in the USA why are they not hitting the schools, hospitals, nursing homes, malls and numerous other target rich soft targets? Good question huh?

What Few Talk About – The race card is this subject. The USA has 10 million muslims. There are 46 million Hispanics. There are 13 million blacks. The prefect race storm is brewing just fine. The US is acutely aware of this. Expect to see a lot of racially motivated violence when the dollar dumps and things get tough. Expect to see strong racial divisions in law enforcement, military and government. What we are saying is that the ranks of the government will break up and turn on each other probably without even a full-scale revolution.

Multi racial societies where more than one language is spoken rarely hold up, if at all. If there is a revolution or even economic collapse the race card will be played and with a lot of innocents murdered over racial issues. The blacks and Hispanics in the major cities will suffer the most in a revolution. Shortages of everything including power and water will be frequent. Riots will be common place as a means of storming the homes and businesses of the haves so the have nots can get supplies.

The government will probably do little to stop this not caring about the outcome one-way or the other. Remember Obama and his lack of a birth certificate did not just happen, he is there for a reason and that reason may be to play the race card hard. Divide and defeat.

What About the Gangs in America? – Remember Hurricane Katrina and the gangs running things. When the trouble starts in the big cities the gangs will take control. There are probably between one and two million gang members in the USA. There are more gang members than there are police. The gangs will import more members from other countries as the situation deteriorates. The gangs are heavily armed and have access to grenade launchers, RPG’s, mortars and shoulder fired missiles in addition to full automatic military weapons. They can use these weapons to take larger weapons from the military. Many gang members are recruited from the ranks of the military especially special forces units and they train the other gang members in the use of weapons and tactics. They can be a formidable force even challenging to the military. They can take out a police force if they want to.

Aurelia Masterson writes for

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