Author's articles

What Are Self-Bleeding Radiators?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
A radiator described as 'self-bleeding' is fitted with self-bleeding radiator valves. A self-bleeding valve automatically vents excess air trapped inside a radiator. A radiator with a self-bleeding valve means homeowners no longer have to manually ...
What Are Self-Bleeding Radiators?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
A radiator described as 'self-bleeding' is fitted with self-bleeding radiator valves. A self-bleeding valve automatically vents excess air trapped inside a radiator. A radiator with a self-bleeding valve means homeowners no longer have to manually ...
The Best Electricity Prices May Be Hidden In The Most Surprising Places
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Instead of accepting the ever increasing prices of the UK’s big six energy giants, why not look for competitive deals offered by some of the smaller providers? Bigger is not always better when you’re looking ...
Strike Gold With The Cheapest Gas Suppliers
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Leading gas suppliers send out new and attractive deals almost every week to meet growing demands for gas. If your goal is to get the best deal possible on gas, you may be quite disturbed ...
"Happy Light" Halogen Heaters Help to Alleviate SAD Symptoms
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
When the nights start to get longer and temperatures begin to fall, some individuals find that their moods darken. While many of us dislike the cold winter months, for people who suffer from seasonal adjustment ...
Sometimes, The Energy Price Comparison Is The Easy Part
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
You’ve used an online energy price comparison tool and you know which supplier to switch to for energy so cheap that you can save £250 each year. With your homework done, the actual switch is ...
Home Flood Insurance - Rising Premiums From Redrawn Flood Maps
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Shortly after Hurricane Sandy tormented the East Coast causing massive flood damage, a new federal law dictating flood insurance premium rates was set to take effect. Under the bill, home flood insurance premiums were set ...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Term Life Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you are looking for ways to keep your family's finances safe, you have probably thought about purchasing life insurance. This can be one of the most effective tools for protecting your family against financial ...
Avoiding Four Common Life Insurance Mistakes
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Choosing the right life insurance policy can help you and your dependents feel more secure about the future. However, there are certain common mistakes that can seriously impact on the likelihood of your policy paying ...
Switching from Whole Life to Term – Some Points to Consider
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
You may have heard that term life insurance is generally a better value than whole life. All else being equal, the premiums on a term life policy tend to be quite a bit lower than ...
All About Personal Property Coverage
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Personal Property Coverage, also known as Contents Coverage or Coverage C, is the section of your home insurance plan that gives you money to replace any of your personal belongings that are damaged, stolen or ...
Deciding How Much Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage You Need
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
It seems like such a simple decision, but it can be one fraught with complications: what level of coverage do you need when shopping for homeowner’s insurance? The simple answer is that you need to ...
What To Do With Your Life Insurance Dividends
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Life insurance dividends are paid out by mutual life insurance companies. The dividends represent a return of premium payments that you've been overcharged. Overcharged? Yes, life insurance companies overcharge you, then return the difference later ...
Smart Strategies for Increasing Your Life Insurance Coverage
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you have a family to support, you need to have enough life insurance coverage in place to protect your loved ones in the event of your death. Most financial experts recommend that workers carry ...
Life Insurance - Whole Life or Term; Which Should You Get When You Are Young?
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
If you are a young person just starting out in life, life insurance may not be the most important thing on your mind. However, if you are planning on eventually raising a family, then life ...
Life Insurance Scams
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Life insurance is a wonderful way to offer security for your family. Unfortunately, it’s also a good way for insurance agents to generate commissions via unethical practices. In the past decade, life insurance scams, especially ...
Five Reasons Why Term Life Insurance Is the Better Option
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Life insurance comes in a lot of different flavors so that it can meet the needs of a lot of different people. The two primary choices, whole life and term life insurance, differ widely in ...
Tips for First Time Life Insurance Shoppers
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Having a life insurance policy in place is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family. If you have a job and a family to protect, you need to have sufficient coverage ...
How to Choose Home Insurance Cover
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
The UK has been a major player and innovator in the financial world for centuries. This sophistication shows in the highly competitive market for property insurance on both buildings and contents. Whether you own or ...
The Pros and Cons of Term Life Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 11 years ago
Trying to find the right life insurance policy can be difficult. With so many options available, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. One option you can choose is term ...